1. 我穿着厚厚的棉衣下着雨。
I am wearing a thick cotton coat in the rain.
2. 她下着蓝色的牛仔裤。
She is wearing blue jeans.
3. 他们下着运动鞋去爬山。
They wore sneakers to climb the mountain.
4. 我下着一件毛衣在家里。
I am wearing a sweater at home.
5. 她下着一条红色的裙子。
She is wearing a red dress.
6. 我下着一双袜子在家里。
I am wearing a pair of socks at home.
7. 她下着一件外套在外面。
She is wearing a jacket outside.
8. 他们下着雨衣在雨中。
They are wearing raincoats in the rain.
9. 我下着一顶帽子在太阳底下。
I am wearing a hat in the sun.
10. 她下着一双拖鞋在家里。
She is wearing a pair of slippers at home.
11. 他下着一件羽绒服在雪地上。
He is wearing a down jacket in the snow.
12. 她下着一件运动衫去锻炼。
She is wearing a sports shirt to exercise.
13. 他下着一条短裤在海边。
He is wearing shorts at the beach.
14. 她下着一双高跟鞋去参加派对。
She is wearing high heels to attend the party.
15. 我下着一件睡衣在床上。
I am wearing pajamas in bed.
16. 她下着一条围裙在厨房里。
She is wearing an apron in the kitchen.
17. 我下着一条围巾在寒冷的天气里。
I am wearing a scarf in the cold weather.
18. 她下着一双手套在冬天里。
She is wearing gloves in the winter.
19. 我下着一件风衣在风中。
I am wearing a windbreaker in the wind.
20. 他下着一件西装在正式场合。
He is wearing a suit in formal occasions.
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