1. 我们应该先和解决问题,然后再寻找解决办法。
We should address the issue first and then look for a solution.
2. 他们之间的前和很快,就能够重归于好。
Their reconciliation was quick and they were able to mend things.
3. 在进行任何谈判之前,我们需要先和解决分歧。
Before any negotiations, we need to first reconcile our differences.
4. 他们之间的前和是长久以来的努力所得。
Their reconciliation is the result of long-standing efforts.
5. 我们必须先和解决这些矛盾,才能继续合作。
We need to reconcile these conflicts first before we can continue working together.
6. 他们之间的前和给了所有人一个积极的榜样。
Their reconciliation set a positive example for everyone.
7. 前和需要双方都愿意做出妥协。
Reconciliation requires both parties to be willing to compromise.
8. 他们之间的前和为他们的友谊增添了新的动力。
Their reconciliation added new momentum to their friendship.
9. 在家庭中,前和是建立和谐关系的关键。
In a family, reconciliation is key to building harmonious relationships.
10. 他们之间的前和是他们重新建立信任的第一步。
Their reconciliation was the first step in rebuilding trust between them.
11. 前和需要双方都诚实地面对问题。
Reconciliation requires both parties to honestly confront the issues.
12. 他们之间的前和为他们的未来打下了坚实的基础。
Their reconciliation laid a solid foundation for their future.
13. 前和不是容易的,但是值得努力。
Reconciliation is not easy, but it is worth the effort.
14. 他们之间的前和让他们重新找回了彼此的信任。
Their reconciliation allowed them to regain each other's trust.
15. 现在是时候进行前和了,我们不能再拖延下去了。
It's time for reconciliation now, we can't delay any longer.
16. 他们之间的前和是他们共同成长的一部分。
Their reconciliation was a part of their mutual growth.
17. 前和需要双方都有包容和宽容的态度。
Reconciliation requires both parties to have a spirit of tolerance and forgiveness.
18. 他们之间的前和为他们的合作打开了新的可能性。
Their reconciliation opened up new possibilities for their cooperation.
19. 前和不仅仅是停止争执,更是建立新的关系。
Reconciliation is not just about ending the dispute, but also about building new relationships.
20. 他们之间的前和是他们重新走到一起的关键。
Their reconciliation was the key to them coming back together.
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