1. 戴口罩可以有效阻止病毒传播。
Wearing a mask can effectively prevent the spread of the virus.
2. 在公共场合,务必戴上口罩。
It is essential to wear a mask in public places.
3. 医护人员需要佩戴特制口罩以保护自己。
Medical staff need to wear special masks to protect themselves.
4. 我们应该每天更换一次口罩。
We should change our masks daily.
5. 这种口罩能够过滤空气中的微粒。
This mask can filter particles in the air.
6. 我们的医院急需口罩和其他医疗用品。
Our hospital urgently needs masks and other medical supplies.
7. 请确保口罩紧贴脸部,不要留下缝隙。
Make sure the mask fits snugly on your face and leaves no gaps.
8. 儿童也需要佩戴口罩以保护自己。
Children also need to wear masks to protect themselves.
9. 这款口罩有多层过滤,更加安全可靠。
This mask has multiple layers of filtration, making it more safe and reliable.
10. 我忘记带口罩了,你可以借我一下吗?
I forgot to bring my mask, can you lend me one?
11. 这家公司转产口罩以满足市场需求。
This company has switched to producing masks to meet market demand.
12. 我们需要确保每个人都有足够的口罩。
We need to ensure that everyone has enough masks.
13. 口罩可以减少呼吸道疾病的传播。
Masks can reduce the spread of respiratory diseases.
14. 我们应该教育大家正确使用口罩。
We should educate everyone on the proper use of masks.
15. 我的口罩已经用了好几个月,需要换新的了。
I've been using the same mask for several months, I need to get a new one.
16. 这种口罩可以重复使用吗?
Can this mask be reused?
17. 我们应该鼓励大家自觉佩戴口罩。
We should encourage everyone to wear masks voluntarily.
18. 请不要将口罩随意丢弃。
Please do not discard masks indiscriminately.
19. 口罩已成为我们日常生活的一部分。
Masks have become a part of our daily lives.
20. 我们需要确保每个人都能够获得高质量的口罩。
We need to ensure that everyone has access to high-quality masks.
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