1. 军队镇压了叛乱,恢复了社会秩序。
The military suppressed the rebellion and restored social order.
2. 叛乱分子袭击了政府军队的阵地。
Rebels attacked the government army's position.
3. 政府宣布对叛乱分子实施军事打击。
The government announced military strikes against the rebels.
4. 叛乱导致了大规模的破坏和人员伤亡。
The rebellion led to widespread destruction and casualties.
5. 叛乱分子试图推翻现有政权。
The rebels attempted to overthrow the existing regime.
6. 叛乱分子对政府发动了一系列的袭击。
The rebels launched a series of attacks against the government.
7. 叛乱分子在城市中心设立了据点。
Rebels established strongholds in the city center.
8. 叛乱分子获得了外部支持。
The rebels received external support.
9. 叛乱分子宣布建立了一个新的政权。
The rebels declared the establishment of a new regime.
10. 政府军队正在追捕叛乱分子。
Government troops are pursuing the rebels.
11. 叛乱分子向政府军队投降了。
The rebels surrendered to the government troops.
12. 叛乱分子在山区设立了根据地。
The rebels set up base areas in the mountains.
13. 叛乱分子试图扩大他们的领土控制。
The rebels attempted to expand their territorial control.
14. 叛乱分子使用了武器和爆炸物。
The rebels used weapons and explosives.
15. 叛乱分子对平民进行了袭击。
The rebels attacked civilians.
16. 叛乱分子对政府军队的进攻被迅速击退。
The rebels' attack on the government army was quickly repelled.
17. 叛乱分子在城市中发动了暴乱。
Rebels rioted in the city.
18. 叛乱分子声称他们代表了人民的利益。
The rebels claimed to represent the interests of the people.
19. 叛乱分子试图控制重要的交通要道。
The rebels attempted to control important transportation routes.
20. 叛乱分子被政府宣布为恐怖组织。
The rebels were declared a terrorist organization by the government.
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