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1. quánzhuāngzhǔnbèihǎolechū

He is fully armed and ready to go.

2. shìbīngmenquánzhuāngxùnzhànlǐnglefāngdiǎn

The soldiers were fully armed and quickly took over the enemy stronghold.

3. quánxīndōufàngzàilegōngzuòshàngméiyǒushíjiānxiū

She has put all her energy into work and hardly has time to rest.

4. quánjīngtóudàolezhèxiàngzhōng

He devoted all his energy to this project.

5. zhèyùndòngyuánquánxīndōuzàibèizhànsài

The athlete has put all his focus on preparing for the competition.

6. quánxīndōuzàizhàoshēngbìngde

He has devoted all his attention to taking care of his sick wife.

7. quánjīngdōutóudàolexuézhōng

She has put all her effort into studying.

8. 穿chuānzhequánkuījiǎdeshìángshǒutǐngxiōngzǒuzàichéngbǎonèi

The knight, wearing full armor, strode proudly through the castle.

9. zhèwèishìbīngquánzhuāngzhànzàishàosuǒshàngshǒuwèizhuóbiānjìng

The soldier, fully armed, stood guard at the outpost, protecting the border.

10. quánxīndōufàngzàilegāodegōngzuòbiǎoxiànshàng

She has put all her focus on how to improve her work performance.

11. quánzhuāngdejǐngcháxùnzhìlezuìfàn

The fully armed police quickly subdued the criminals.

12. menquánzhuāngzhǎnkāilesōusuǒxíngdòng

They launched a fully armed search operation.

13. menquánzhuāngzhǔnbèiyíngjiēréndejìngōng

They were fully armed and prepared to meet the enemy's attack.

14. shìbīngmenquánzhuāngzhànzàizhènshàngděngdàizhǐhuīguāndemìnglìng

The soldiers stood fully armed on the front lines, awaiting the commander's orders.

15. quánjīngdōutóudàolebāngzhùxiēyàobāngzhùderénshēnshàng

She has put all her energy into helping those in need.

16. quánxīndōuzàikǎojiějuézhènán

He has put all his focus on thinking about how to solve this problem.

17. quánzhuāngdezhǒngduìzhǎnkāilexíngdòng

The fully armed special forces launched a raid operation.

18. shìbīngmenquánzhuāngzhíxíngrènméiyǒuháosōngxiè

The soldiers executed the mission fully armed, without any slack.

19. zhèwèiyùndòngyuánquánxīndōuzàibèizhànàoyùnhuì

This athlete has put all his focus on preparing for the Olympics.

20. quánzhuāngdezhànshìmenchōngxiàngrénháowèi

The fully armed soldiers charged at the enemy without fear.


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