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1. yuàntòudezhēnshíshēnfèn

She is unwilling to reveal her true identity.

2. tòulexiēzhòngyàodejié

He disclosed some important details.

3. qǐngyàotòuzhè

Please do not divulge this secret.

4. xiǎoxīntòulexiēnèixiāo

She accidentally let slip some internal news.

5. tòuledehuà

He revealed his plans.

6. tòuledezhēnshí

He disclosed his true intentions.

7. tòulexiējīngréndeshìshí

He revealed some astonishing facts.

8. tòuledegǎnshòu

He expressed his feelings.

9. tòuledezhēnshíshēnfèn

He disclosed his true identity.

10. tòulede

She divulged her secret.

11. tòuledefànzuìxíngwèi

He confessed to his criminal activities.

12. qǐngyàotòuderénxìn

Please do not disclose my personal information.

13. tòulexiēguāngōngnèidexiāo

He revealed some insider information about the company.

14. tòuledezhēnshíniánlíng

She disclosed her true age.

15. tòuledezhēnshídòng

He revealed his true motives.

16. tòuledezhēnshí

He disclosed his true intentions.

17. tòuledezhēnshíqínggǎn

He revealed his true emotions.

18. tòuledeshēnfèn

He unveiled his identity.

19. tòuledetòng

She disclosed her pain.

20. tòuledefànzuìxíngwèi

He confessed to his criminal activities.


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