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1. zhízàiwéiguòzheliáodeshēnghuó

He has been living a listless life, doing nothing.

2. deduìdewéigǎndàofēichángshīwàng

Her parents were very disappointed with her inaction.

3. zhèlǐngdǎozǒngshìwéiérzhìméiyǒudàorènzuòyòng

The leader always governs by inaction, achieving nothing.

4. wèiguānyuándewéitàidǎozhìlezhěngxiàngshībài

The official's passive attitude led to the failure of the whole project.

5. dewéibiǎoxiànràngshīlegōngzuòhuì

His lack of initiative cost him the job opportunity.

6. dewéiràngcuòshīlezhòngyàodehuì

Her passivity caused her to miss out on an important opportunity.

7. dewéitài使shǐdetuánduìqiánjìn

His inaction prevented the team from making progress.

8. dewéiràngdemèngxiǎngshíxiàn

His inactivity prevented him from realizing his dream.

9. lǐngdǎocéngdewéitàiràngyuángōnggǎndàosàng

The leadership's passivity left the employees feeling frustrated.

10. guǒmenzhíbǎochíwéiwènyǒngyuǎnjiějué

If we continue to remain inactive, the problem will never be solved.

11. dewéitàiràngdegōngxiànlewēi

His passive attitude has put his company in crisis.

12. dewéitàiràngdetuánduìshīlexìnxīn

Her inaction caused her team to lose confidence.

13. zàizhèguānjiànshímennéngzàibǎochíwéi

We cannot afford to be passive at this critical moment.

14. gōngdewéitàidǎozhìledeliúshī

The company's inaction led to the loss of customers.

15. dewéitàiràngdepéngyǒumengǎndàoshīwàng

His passive attitude left his friends feeling disappointed.

16. wéishìjiějuéwèndebàn

Inaction is not the solution to problems.

17. dewéiràngcuòshīlegǎibiànmìngyùndehuì

His lack of initiative caused him to miss a chance to change his destiny.

18. dewéitàiràngdelǎobǎnduìshīlexìnxīn

Her passive attitude caused her boss to lose confidence in her.

19. zhèxiàngyàodecānérshìwéi

This project requires active participation, not inaction.

20. dewéitàiràngdetuánduìxiànlekùnjìng

His passive attitude has put his team in a predicament.


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