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1. mendeyǒuzàixíngzhōngdàolejiāshēn

Their friendship deepened during the trip.

2. zhèhuìjiāshēnlemenduìzhèwèndejiě

The meeting deepened our understanding of the issue.

3. derèngǎnhuìsuízheshíjiāndetuīérjiāshēn

The sense of responsibility of parents deepens over time.

4. zhèyántǎohuìjiāshēnleduìzhèhángderènshí

The seminar deepened my understanding of this industry.

5. mendezuòguāndàolejiāshēn

Their collaborative relationship has deepened.

6. zhèduànjīngjiāshēnlederénshēngguān

This experience deepened my outlook on life.

7. mendeàiqíngzàikùnnánzhōngdàolejiāshēn

Their love deepened in the face of adversity.

8. zhèxíngjiāshēnleduìzhèguójiādeliǎojiě

The trip deepened my understanding of this country.

9. zàizhèxiàngzhōngmendezuòdàolejiāshēn

Our collaboration deepened in this project.

10. zhètǎolùnjiāshēnlemenduìzhèwènderènshí

The discussion deepened our understanding of the issue.

11. suízheshíjiāndetuīmendeyǒuhuìdàojiāshēn

Our friendship will deepen over time.

12. zhèshíjiànjiāshēnledezhuānzhīshí

This practice deepened my professional knowledge.

13. mendexìnrènzàizuòzhōngdàolejiāshēn

Their trust deepened in the collaboration.

14. zhèjiāoliújiāshēnlemendeyǒu

The exchange deepened our friendship.

15. zhèxiàngràngduìzhèlǐngyǒulegēngshēndeliǎojiě

This project gave me a deeper understanding of this field.

16. mendezuòzàizuòzhōngdàolejiāshēn

Their cooperation deepened in this collaboration.

17. zhèjīngjiāshēnlederénshēngguān

This experience deepened my outlook on life.

18. zhètǎolùnjiāshēnlededuìzhèhuàdejiě

This discussion deepened my understanding of this topic.

19. zhèxíngjiāshēnleduìzhèwénhuàdeliǎojiě

The trip deepened my understanding of this culture.

20. zhèduànshíjiāndexuéràngdezhīshídàolejiāshēn

The study during this period deepened my knowledge.


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