1. 他是这个项目的负责人,可以做主决定。
He is in charge of this project and can make the final decision.
2. 我不能做主,我需要先跟老板商量一下。
I can't make the decision, I need to talk to the boss first.
3. 作为经理,你有权做主。
As the manager, you have the authority to make the decision.
4. 我不能做主,我需要征求其他人的意见。
I can't make the decision, I need to consult with others.
5. 你是这个团队的领导,你可以做主。
You are the leader of this team, you can make the decision.
6. 他不是公司的老板,不能做主。
He is not the boss of the company, he can't make the decision.
7. 请你做主,帮我做出一个选择。
Please make the decision for me and help me make a choice.
8. 我们需要一个能够做主的人来解决这个问题。
We need someone who can make the decision to solve this problem.
9. 你可以做主,我们会支持你的决定。
You can make the decision, we will support your choice.
10. 我希望你能做主,帮我处理这个纠纷。
I hope you can make the decision and help me deal with this dispute.
11. 他们希望我能做主,但我觉得需要跟你商量一下。
They want me to make the decision, but I think I need to talk to you first.
12. 作为团队的负责人,你有权做主。
As the leader of the team, you have the authority to make the decision.
13. 我们需要一个能够做主的人来领导这个项目。
We need someone who can make the decision to lead this project.
14. 我不愿意做主,我希望大家一起商量。
I don't want to make the decision, I hope we can discuss it together.
15. 他不愿意做主,总是让别人来决定。
He doesn't want to make the decision, always let others decide.
16. 你是这个家庭的主人,你可以做主。
You are the head of this family, you can make the decision.
17. 我不敢做主,我怕做出错误的选择。
I dare not make the decision, I am afraid of making the wrong choice.
18. 请你做主,选一个地方吃饭吧。
Please make the decision and choose a place to eat.
19. 他不愿意做主,总是拖拖拉拉不肯做决定。
He doesn't want to make the decision, always procrastinating and refusing to make a choice.
20. 作为团队的领导,你有义务做主。
As the leader of the team, you have the obligation to make the decision.
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