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1. zhèmiànqiángyàochóngxīnfěnshuā

The wall needs to be repainted.

2. qiángmiànshàngguàzheyóuhuà

There is a painting hanging on the wall.

3. zhèmiànqiángjīngméile

The wall has become moldy.

4. qiángmiànshàngyǒulièfèngyàoxiū

There are cracks on the wall that need to be repaired.

5. qiángmiànshàngtiēzhezhǐ

The wall is covered with wallpaper.

6. qiángmiànshàngyǒukuàijìngzi

There is a large mirror on the wall.

7. qiángmiànshàngguàzhepáishūjià

A row of bookshelves is hanging on the wall.

8. qiángmiànbèichéngleqiǎnlán

The wall has been painted light blue.

9. qiángmiànshàngyǒu

There are graffiti on the wall.

10. zhèmiànqiángyàochóngxīnfěnshuāxià

This wall needs to be repainted.

11. qiángmiànshàngdeliàojīngtuōle

The paint on the wall has started to peel off.

12. qiángmiànshàngguàzhefēngjǐnghuà

There is a landscape painting hanging on the wall.

13. qiángmiànshàngyǒuchùmíngxiǎndeāoxiàn

There is a noticeable indentation on the wall.

14. qiángmiànshàngyǒuchùlòushuǐdehén

There is a water stain on the wall.

15. qiángmiànshàngtiēzhehuāwénzhǐ

The wall is covered with patterned wallpaper.

16. qiángmiànshàngyǒudàolièfèng

There is a crack on the wall.

17. qiángmiànshàngguàzhexiēzhuāngshìhuà

There are some decorative paintings hanging on the wall.

18. qiángmiànshàngyǒuchùguāhén

There is a scratch on the wall.

19. qiángmiànshàngyǒukuàihuīchén

There is a patch of dust on the wall.

20. qiángmiànshàngyǒuchùfěnshuājūnyúndefāng

There is an unevenly painted area on the wall.


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