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1. gōnggōngfēnghòudedàiláiyǐnréncái

The company offers generous welfare benefits to attract talent.

2. zhèjiācāntīngdeyuángōngxiǎngshòudàolehěnduōbāokuòmiǎnfèicānyǐnjiànkāngbǎoxiǎn

The restaurant's employees enjoy a lot of welfare, including free meals and health insurance.

3. zhèngwèishōujiātínggōnglezhǒngxiàng

The government provides various welfare programs for low-income families.

4. mendezhìbāokuòdàixīnjià退tuìxiūjīnhuà

Our welfare system includes paid vacation and retirement plans.

5. menjiātíngquánháizimenshàngxuéyòngchóu

Their family has complete welfare, and the children don't have to worry about going to school.

6. gōngwèiyuángōnggōnglequánmiàndebāokuòjiànshēnfánghuìyuánlínghuódegōngzuòshíjiān

The company provides comprehensive welfare for employees, including gym memberships and flexible working hours.

7. zhèxiàngànzhǐzàigǎishànshōujiātíngdezhuàngkuàng

This bill aims to improve the welfare of low-income families.

8. zhèjiājiǔdiànduìyuángōngdedàifēichángguānzhù

This hotel pays great attention to the welfare of its employees.

9. menwèicánréngōngleduōzhīchí

They provide a lot of welfare and support for the disabled.

10. zhèxiàngzhèngjiāngyǒuzhùgāozàizhíchǎngshàngdedài

This policy will help improve the welfare of women in the workplace.

11. degōngzuòbāokuòliáobǎoxiǎnlínghuódegōngzuòshíjiān

Her job benefits include medical insurance and flexible working hours.

12. zhèxiànghuàzhǐzàigǎishànlǎoniánréndedài

This program aims to improve the welfare of the elderly.

13. zhèjiāgōngdeyuángōngxiǎngshòudàolehěnduōéwàiniánzhōngjiǎngpéixùnhuì

The company's employees enjoy a lot of additional benefits, such as year-end bonuses and training opportunities.

14. zhèguójiādezhìgàilesuǒyǒugōngmín

The welfare system of this country covers all citizens.

15. degōngzuòbāokuòmiǎnfèicānjiànshēnfánghuìyuán

Her job benefits include free lunch and gym membership.

16. zhèxiàngzhèngzhǐzàigāonóngmíndedài

This policy aims to improve the welfare of farmers.

17. gōngdezhìràngyuángōnggǎndàofēichángmǎn

The company's welfare system makes employees very satisfied.

18. zhèguójiādezhìwèipínkùnjiātínggōnglehěnduōbāngzhù

The welfare system of this country provides a lot of help for poor families.

19. shèwèimíngōnglezhǒngxiàngbāokuòliáojiào

The community provides various welfare programs for residents, including medical care and education.

20. zhèzhèngzhǐzàigǎishànshīrényuándezhuàngkuàng

This policy aims to improve the welfare of the unemployed.


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