1. 她穿着一件丝绒连衣裙,看起来非常优雅。
She wore a velvet dress and looked very elegant.
2. 这条沙发上覆盖着柔软的丝绒,坐起来非常舒适。
The sofa is covered with soft velvet, and it's very comfortable to sit on.
3. 她用丝绒的材料制作了一个漂亮的抱枕。
She made a beautiful pillow out of velvet material.
4. 这幅画的颜色和质地仿佛是丝绒般柔软。
The colors and texture of this painting are as soft as velvet.
5. 她的声音像丝绒一样柔和动听。
Her voice is as soft and melodious as velvet.
6. 这件外套是用丝绒制成的,触感非常舒适。
This coat is made of velvet and feels very comfortable to touch.
7. 这款沙发上的丝绒面料看起来非常豪华。
The velvet fabric on this sofa looks very luxurious.
8. 她的房间里摆放了一些丝绒的装饰品,增添了一丝浪漫的氛围。
She has some velvet decorations in her room, adding a touch of romance to the atmosphere.
9. 这款包包的外观设计采用了丝绒材质,显得非常时尚。
The design of this handbag features velvet material, making it very fashionable.
10. 这条围巾用丝绒制成,触感非常柔软。
This scarf is made of velvet and feels very soft to the touch.
11. 这个房间的窗帘是用丝绒制成的,给人一种温馨的感觉。
The curtains in this room are made of velvet, giving a warm feeling.
12. 这家餐厅的座位上铺着丝绒座垫,让顾客感到非常舒适。
The seats in this restaurant are covered with velvet cushions, making customers feel very comfortable.
13. 这幅画的画布上使用了丝绒材料,营造出一种独特的质感。
The canvas of this painting uses velvet material, creating a unique texture.
14. 她穿着一件丝绒外套,给人一种高贵的感觉。
She wore a velvet coat, giving a sense of nobility.
15. 这个房间的地毯是用丝绒制成的,踩上去非常柔软。
The carpet in this room is made of velvet and feels very soft to step on.
16. 这款沙发的靠背采用了丝绒面料,看起来非常典雅。
The back of this sofa is made of velvet fabric, looking very elegant.
17. 她在床上铺上了一层丝绒被子,增添了一丝奢华感。
She laid a layer of velvet blanket on the bed, adding a touch of luxury.
18. 这款鞋子的鞋面采用了丝绒材质,显得非常时尚。
The vamp of this shoe is made of velvet material, making it very fashionable.
19. 这家酒店的沙发上覆盖着丝绒外套,给人一种高档的感觉。
The sofas in this hotel are covered with velvet jackets, giving a high-end feeling.
20. 这个舞台上的背景布是用丝绒制成的,看起来非常华丽。
The backdrop on this stage is made of velvet and looks very magnificent.
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