1. 这个古老的雕像已经残缺不全了。
The ancient statue is now incomplete.
2. 他的身体因意外事故而残缺。
His body is maimed from the accident.
3. 这幅画的一角残缺不全,需要修复。
One corner of the painting is incomplete and needs to be restored.
4. 她的心灵因失去爱人而留下了永久的残缺。
Her heart is permanently scarred from the loss of her loved one.
5. 这个故事因缺乏结局而显得残缺。
The story feels incomplete without a proper ending.
6. 这座古老的建筑因年代久远而已经残缺不全。
The ancient building is now incomplete due to its age.
7. 他的家庭因缺少父母的陪伴而显得残缺。
His family feels incomplete without the presence of his parents.
8. 这个古代文物因年代久远而已经残缺不全。
The ancient artifact is now incomplete due to its age.
9. 他的人生因缺少成功和成就而显得残缺。
His life feels incomplete without success and achievement.
10. 这个故事因缺少关键细节而显得残缺。
The story feels incomplete without crucial details.
11. 这个句子因缺少主语而显得残缺。
The sentence feels incomplete without a subject.
12. 这个项目因缺乏资金而显得残缺。
The project feels incomplete without sufficient funding.
13. 这个家庭因缺少一个家庭成员而显得残缺。
The family feels incomplete without one member.
14. 这个音乐曲目因缺少乐器演奏而显得残缺。
The music piece feels incomplete without the instrument playing.
15. 这幅画因缺少色彩而显得残缺。
The painting feels incomplete without color.
16. 这个计划因缺少必要的步骤而显得残缺。
The plan feels incomplete without necessary steps.
17. 这个梦想因未实现而显得残缺。
The dream feels incomplete without being fulfilled.
18. 这个设计因缺乏细节而显得残缺。
The design feels incomplete without details.
19. 这个歌曲因缺少歌词而显得残缺。
The song feels incomplete without lyrics.
20. 这个地方因缺少绿植而显得残缺。
The place feels incomplete without vegetation.
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