1. 他的著作在学术界产生了深远的影响。
His works have had a profound impact on the academic community.
2. 这本著作是对当代社会问题的深刻思考。
This work is a profound reflection on contemporary social issues.
3. 她的著作被翻译成多种语言。
Her works have been translated into multiple languages.
4. 这位作家的著作被誉为现代文学的杰作。
The writer's works are acclaimed as masterpieces of modern literature.
5. 他的著作被广泛引用和讨论。
His works are widely cited and discussed.
6. 这本著作被列为必读书目之一。
This work is listed as a must-read.
7. 这位作者的著作包括小说、散文和诗歌。
The author's works include novels, essays, and poetry.
8. 这本著作揭露了许多历史事件的真相。
This work exposes the truth behind many historical events.
9. 他的著作充满了对人性的深刻洞察。
His works are filled with profound insights into human nature.
10. 这本著作被认为是当代文学的经典之一。
This work is considered as one of the classics of contemporary literature.
11. 她的著作以其独特的文风而闻名。
Her works are known for their unique literary style.
12. 他的著作被评为年度最佳图书之一。
His works were rated as one of the best books of the year.
13. 这位作家的著作一直备受赞誉。
The writer's works have always been highly acclaimed.
14. 这本著作引发了一场关于道德和伦理的讨论。
This work has sparked a discussion about morality and ethics.
15. 他的著作被视为对社会现象的重要观察。
His works are seen as important observations of social phenomena.
16. 这位作家的著作被誉为文学界的奇迹。
The writer's works are acclaimed as a miracle in the literary world.
17. 这本著作被视为对人类历史的重要贡献。
This work is seen as an important contribution to human history.
18. 她的著作获得了多个文学奖项。
Her works have won multiple literary awards.
19. 这本著作被广泛用于教育和研究。
This work is widely used for education and research.
20. 他的著作在文学界享有盛誉。
His works are highly esteemed in the literary world.
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