1. 我们需要一个真空吸尘器来清理地板。
We need a vacuum cleaner to clean the floor.
2. 在太空中是没有空气的,因此是真空状态。
There is no air in space, so it is in a vacuum state.
3. 这个容器中的空气已经被抽成了真空。
The air in this container has been pumped out to create a vacuum.
4. 在真空中,声音无法传播。
In a vacuum, sound cannot travel.
5. 真空密封袋可以保持食物的新鲜度。
Vacuum-sealed bags can keep food fresh.
6. 真空中的温度可以达到极端的高低。
The temperature in a vacuum can reach extreme highs and lows.
7. 这个机器可以用来制造真空。
This machine can be used to create a vacuum.
8. 在真空中,水会立即沸腾。
In a vacuum, water will boil instantly.
9. 他们利用真空管来运输易碎的物品。
They use vacuum tubes to transport fragile items.
10. 真空中没有空气摩擦,所以物体会以更快的速度运动。
In a vacuum, there is no air resistance, so objects will move at a faster speed.
11. 这种真空包装可以延长食物的保质期。
This type of vacuum packaging can extend the shelf life of food.
12. 在真空中,物体会变得更轻。
In a vacuum, objects become lighter.
13. 我们需要使用真空泵来抽空这个容器。
We need to use a vacuum pump to empty this container.
14. 真空中的能量传导方式与空气中的不同。
The way energy is transferred in a vacuum is different from in air.
15. 这个实验需要在真空条件下进行。
This experiment needs to be conducted under vacuum conditions.
16. 真空管技术在早期的电子设备中被广泛使用。
Vacuum tube technology was widely used in early electronic devices.
17. 这个袋子可以通过真空封口来保存衣物。
This bag can be vacuum-sealed to store clothes.
18. 真空中的火焰看起来与空气中的不同。
The flame in a vacuum looks different from in air.
19. 真空室里的气压非常低。
The pressure in the vacuum chamber is very low.
20. 真空条件下的实验结果可能会与在大气中的不同。
The results of experiments under vacuum conditions may differ from those in the atmosphere.
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