1. 他在见到长辈时总是会作揖。
He always bows when he meets his elders.
2. 小明作揖向老师道谢。
Xiao Ming bowed to the teacher to say thank you.
3. 他作揖向对方表示歉意。
He made a bow to apologize to the other party.
4. 在古代,作揖是一种尊重的表达方式。
In ancient times, bowing was a way of showing respect.
5. 他作了一个深深的揖。
He made a deep bow.
6. 他作揖时微笑着。
He smiled as he bowed.
7. 他向客人作了一个恭敬的揖。
He made a respectful bow to the guest.
8. 他作揖时显得很谦虚。
He appeared very humble as he bowed.
9. 他作揖的动作非常优雅。
His bow was very graceful.
10. 他作揖时,一脸严肃。
He looked serious as he bowed.
11. 当他们相遇时,他们互相作揖。
When they met, they bowed to each other.
12. 他们作揖表示感谢。
They bowed to show their gratitude.
13. 他们在离开时向主人作揖。
They bowed to the host as they left.
14. 他们作揖以示尊敬。
They bowed as a sign of respect.
15. 作揖是中华传统礼仪之一。
Bowing is one of the traditional Chinese rituals.
16. 他作揖时脸上带着微笑。
He had a smile on his face as he bowed.
17. 在日本,作揖是一种常见的礼节。
In Japan, bowing is a common etiquette.
18. 他作揖时,显得非常谦虚。
He appeared very humble as he bowed.
19. 他们作揖以示感谢。
They bowed to show their gratitude.
20. 他们作揖表示对长辈的尊敬。
They bowed to show respect to their elders.
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