1. 医生正在给患者做身体检查。
The doctor is performing a physical examination on the patient.
2. 这个患者需要立即送往手术室。
This patient needs to be taken to the operating room immediately.
3. 医生给患者开了一些药方。
The doctor prescribed some medication for the patient.
4. 护士正在照顾病房里的患者。
The nurse is taking care of the patients in the ward.
5. 患者的病情正在逐渐好转。
The patient's condition is gradually improving.
6. 这位患者需要进行一次紧急手术。
This patient needs to undergo an emergency surgery.
7. 医生正在和患者讨论治疗方案。
The doctor is discussing the treatment plan with the patient.
8. 患者需要接受放射治疗。
The patient needs to undergo radiation therapy.
9. 这个患者的病情非常严重。
The condition of this patient is very serious.
10. 医生向患者解释了手术的风险。
The doctor explained the risks of the surgery to the patient.
11. 患者需要定期服用药物。
The patient needs to take medication regularly.
12. 医生正在询问患者的病史。
The doctor is asking the patient about their medical history.
13. 这位患者需要进行心脏移植手术。
This patient needs to undergo a heart transplant surgery.
14. 患者的家人正在陪伴他们。
The patient's family is accompanying them.
15. 医生正在给患者进行手术前的准备工作。
The doctor is preparing the patient for surgery.
16. 患者需要进行一系列的化疗。
The patient needs to undergo a series of chemotherapy treatments.
17. 医生正在为患者进行详细的身体检查。
The doctor is performing a detailed physical examination on the patient.
18. 患者的病情非常复杂。
The patient's condition is very complex.
19. 这位患者需要进行康复训练。
This patient needs to undergo rehabilitation training.
20. 医生正在给患者做手术后的检查。
The doctor is performing a post-operative examination on the patient.
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