1. 这个花园看起来整整齐齐的。
The garden looks neat and tidy.
2. 她的头发永远都整整齐齐的。
Her hair is always perfectly neat.
3. 他的书架摆放得整整齐齐。
His bookshelf is arranged neatly.
4. 这些文件应该整整齐齐地放在抽屉里。
These documents should be placed neatly in the drawer.
5. 她整整齐齐地叠好了衣服。
She neatly folded the clothes.
6. 我们需要把这些东西整整齐齐地摆放在货架上。
We need to neatly arrange these things on the shelf.
7. 这排树木整整齐齐地排列在路边。
The row of trees is neatly lined up along the road.
8. 他们整整齐齐地排队等候入场。
They lined up neatly to wait for entry.
9. 她整整齐齐地摆放了玩具。
She neatly arranged the toys.
10. 这间教室整整齐齐地摆放着桌椅。
The classroom is neatly arranged with desks and chairs.
11. 他整整齐齐地刮了胡子。
He neatly shaved his beard.
12. 这些书架整整齐齐地摆放在墙边。
The bookshelves are neatly placed against the wall.
13. 她整整齐齐地穿着制服。
She is neatly dressed in her uniform.
14. 他整整齐齐地叠好了毛巾。
He neatly folded the towels.
15. 这些文件应该整整齐齐地放在文件夹里。
These documents should be neatly placed in a folder.
16. 这些书籍整整齐齐地摆放在书架上。
These books are neatly arranged on the bookshelf.
17. 她的书包整整齐齐地放在桌子上。
Her backpack is neatly placed on the table.
18. 这些餐具整整齐齐地放在橱柜里。
The tableware is neatly placed in the cupboard.
19. 这些照片整整齐齐地挂在墙上。
These photos are neatly hung on the wall.
20. 他整整齐齐地整理了庭院。
He neatly tidied up the courtyard.
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