1. 我们需要一些烹饪用具来准备晚餐。
We need some cooking utensils to prepare dinner.
2. 这个工具箱里有各种各样的工具。
There are all kinds of tools in this toolbox.
3. 他们使用了一些专业的摄影器材来拍摄这些照片。
They used some professional photography equipment to take these photos.
4. 这个项目需要一些特殊的绘画用具。
This project requires some special drawing materials.
5. 我们需要一些清洁用具来打扫房间。
We need some cleaning supplies to tidy up the room.
6. 这些木工用具非常锋利,要小心使用。
These woodworking tools are very sharp, be careful when using them.
7. 我们需要购买一些办公用具来装备新的办公室。
We need to buy some office supplies to equip the new office.
8. 她在画室里有一整套绘画用具。
She has a complete set of drawing materials in her studio.
9. 这些厨房用具看起来很漂亮,但质量不太好。
These kitchen utensils look nice, but the quality is not very good.
10. 他们使用了一些高科技的医疗设备来治疗病人。
They used some high-tech medical equipment to treat the patients.
11. 这些运动用具可以帮助你保持健康。
These sports equipment can help you stay healthy.
12. 他们正在用一些新的教学用具改善学生的学习体验。
They are using some new teaching aids to enhance students' learning experience.
13. 她在厨房里有一整套烹饪用具。
She has a complete set of cooking utensils in her kitchen.
14. 这些工作用具可以帮助我们提高工作效率。
These work tools can help us improve work efficiency.
15. 他们使用了一些特殊的实验室设备来进行研究。
They used some special laboratory equipment to conduct research.
16. 我们需要一些装饰用具来装饰这个房间。
We need some decorative accessories to decorate this room.
17. 这些美术用具可以帮助孩子们发展创造力。
These art supplies can help children develop their creativity.
18. 她的化妆用具很齐全,可以做各种不同的妆容。
Her makeup tools are complete and can create various different looks.
19. 这些书法用具是他的宝贝,他用它们写了很多美丽的字。
These calligraphy tools are his treasures, and he has written many beautiful characters with them.
20. 他们在实验室里使用了一些科学用具来进行实验。
They used some scientific instruments in the laboratory for the experiment.
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