1. 她的笑容中露出了一排整齐的牙子。
She showed a row of neat teeth when she smiled.
2. 他一直在挠牙子,好像有什么东西卡在牙缝里。
He has been picking his teeth as if something is stuck in between.
3. 她的牙子很白,看起来很健康。
Her teeth are very white and look very healthy.
4. 我的牙子疼得厉害,我需要去看牙医。
My teeth hurt a lot, I need to go see the dentist.
5. 他笑得很开心,露出了一口整齐的牙子。
He laughed happily, revealing a set of neat teeth.
6. 你的牙子看起来很整齐,你一定有好的口腔卫生习惯。
Your teeth look very neat, you must have good oral hygiene habits.
7. 他的牙子有点黄,可能需要去美白一下。
His teeth are a bit yellow, he may need to whiten them.
8. 她的牙子被一颗坏牙破坏了整体美观。
Her teeth were marred by a bad tooth, spoiling the overall look.
9. 我们需要定期刷牙来保持牙子的健康。
We need to brush our teeth regularly to keep them healthy.
10. 他的牙子又大又白,看起来非常吸引人。
His teeth are big and white, they look very attractive.
11. 他的牙子被一根玉米粒卡住了。
A corn kernel got stuck in his teeth.
12. 他的牙子有点不齐,看起来有点难看。
His teeth are a bit crooked, they look a bit unsightly.
13. 她的牙子非常整齐,完全没有需要矫正的地方。
Her teeth are very straight, there's absolutely no need for correction.
14. 我今天刚去了牙医,检查了一下牙子。
I just went to the dentist today, had my teeth checked.
15. 他的牙子很健康,没有任何蛀牙或其他问题。
His teeth are very healthy, no cavities or any other issues.
16. 这种牙膏可以帮助保持牙子的洁白。
This toothpaste can help maintain the whiteness of your teeth.
17. 她的牙子非常敏感,不能吃冰冷的食物。
Her teeth are very sensitive, she can't eat ice-cold food.
18. 他的牙子疼得厉害,可能需要去拔了。
His teeth hurt a lot, he may need to have them pulled out.
19. 她的牙子非常整齐,看起来非常漂亮。
Her teeth are very straight, they look very pretty.
20. 我们应该每天刷牙来保持牙子的清洁和健康。
We should brush our teeth every day to keep them clean and healthy.
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