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1. zhèkuàimiànbāojīngméilenéngchīle

This bread has gone moldy, it can't be eaten.

2. dezài湿shīzhòngdefāngméile

My clothes got moldy in a damp place.

3. zhèběnshūfàngzàijiǎoluòméile

This book got moldy sitting in the corner.

4. defángjiānyǒuméidewèidào

There is a musty smell in my room.

5. zhèxiēguǒshíjīngméilerēngdiàole

These fruits have gone moldy, they need to be thrown away.

6. dejiùshūzàicháo湿shīdefāngméile

My old books got moldy in a damp place.

7. zhèxiēbèilín湿shīlexiànzàidōuméile

These clothes got wet in the rain and now they're all moldy.

8. chúfángjiǎoluòdeshíméile

The food in the kitchen corner has gone moldy.

9. zhèxiēzhìpǐnzàicháo湿shīdehuánjìngzhōngróngméi

These wooden products are prone to mold in a damp environment.

10. zhèxiēshíjīngméilenéngzàishíyòngle

These foods have gone moldy, they can't be eaten anymore.

11. zhèjiānfángzihěncháo湿shīróngràngdōng西méi

This house is very damp, it's easy for things to go moldy.

12. shuǐshèntòujìnlái使shǐdexiàshìdejiādōuméile

The rain seeped in, causing the furniture in the basement to go moldy.

13. zhèxiēshūbèifàngzàicháo湿shīdefāngdōuméile

These books were placed in a damp place and all went moldy.

14. zhèxiēguǒshíbǎocúndàngjīngméile

These fruits were not stored properly and have gone moldy.

15. zhèxiēbèiwàngzàicháo湿shīfāngdōuméile

These clothes were forgotten in a damp place and all went moldy.

16. zhèxiēqiángyīnwèicháo湿shīérméile

These walls have gone moldy due to dampness.

17. zhèxiēshífàngletàijiǔdōuméile

These foods have been left for too long and have all gone moldy.

18. cháo湿shīdetiānróngràngshíméi

Damp weather is prone to making food go moldy.

19. zhèxiēmiànbāobèiwàngzàidōuméile

These breads were forgotten there, and all went moldy.

20. zàicháo湿shīdehuánjìngzhōngdōng西róngméi

In a damp environment, things are prone to go moldy.


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