首页 汉字



1. bǎobǎozheyàonǎichī

The baby is crying for milk.

2. zhexiàngshuōzhedetòng

She cried out her pain to him.

3. háizizheyào

The child is crying for his mother.

4. lezhěng

She cried all night.

5. zhekāilejiā

He left home in tears.

6. zhexiàngtiānshì

He made a promise to the sky in tears.

7. háizilezhěngtiān

The child cried all day.

8. zheshuōchūledenèixīntòng

She cried out her inner pain.

9. zhexiàngshuōzhedetòng

She cried out her pain to him.

10. zheshuōchūledenèixīntòng

He cried out his inner pain.

11. háizizheyàonǎichī

The child is crying for milk.

12. zheshuōchūledenèixīntòng

He cried out his inner pain.

13. zhekāilejiā

She left home in tears.

14. háizilezhěngtiān

The child cried all day.

15. zhekāilejiā

He left home in tears.

16. lezhěng

She cried all night.

17. zhexiàngtiānshì

He made a promise to the sky in tears.

18. lezhěng

She cried all night.

19. háizizheyào

The child is crying for his mother.

20. zheshuōchūledenèixīntòng

He cried out his inner pain.


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