1. 他暗自庆幸自己没有被发现。
He secretly rejoiced that he had not been discovered.
2. 她暗自决定要努力学习,争取考上理想的大学。
She secretly resolved to study hard and strive to get into her dream university.
3. 他暗自觉得自己的计划一定会成功。
He secretly felt that his plan would definitely succeed.
4. 她暗自悔恨没有早点意识到这个问题。
She secretly regretted not realizing the problem earlier.
5. 他暗自想着怎么才能向她表白。
He secretly thought about how he could confess his feelings to her.
6. 她暗自感到害怕,但表面上仍然保持镇定。
She secretly felt scared, but she still maintained a calm exterior.
7. 他暗自盘算着怎么才能赚到更多的钱。
He secretly calculated how he could earn more money.
8. 她暗自感到孤独,但不愿让别人知道。
She secretly felt lonely, but didn't want anyone to know.
9. 他暗自祈祷这次考试能够顺利通过。
He secretly prayed that he would pass the exam smoothly.
10. 她暗自为自己的决定感到自豪。
She secretly felt proud of her decision.
11. 他暗自发誓要报复对他造成伤害的人。
He secretly swore to retaliate against those who had hurt him.
12. 她暗自觉得自己应该更加珍惜现在的幸福。
She secretly felt that she should cherish her current happiness more.
13. 他暗自想着怎么才能赢得她的心。
He secretly thought about how he could win her heart.
14. 她暗自感到内疚,因为没有及时帮助需要帮助的人。
She secretly felt guilty for not helping those in need in time.
15. 他暗自庆幸自己没有被卷入那场危险的事故中。
He secretly rejoiced that he had not been involved in that dangerous accident.
16. 她暗自决定要更加努力工作,以实现自己的理想。
She secretly resolved to work harder to achieve her dreams.
17. 他暗自希望自己能够在这个项目中取得成功。
He secretly hoped to succeed in this project.
18. 她暗自感到害怕,但仍然坚定地前行。
She secretly felt scared, but still marched forward with determination.
19. 他暗自为自己的勇气感到骄傲。
He secretly felt proud of his courage.
20. 她暗自感到自己的努力终于得到了回报。
She secretly felt that her efforts had finally paid off.
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