1. 火车正准备停靠在月台上。
The train is preparing to stop at the platform.
2. 请在月台上排队等候。
Please queue up on the platform.
3. 月台上有很多旅客在等待。
There are many passengers waiting on the platform.
4. 他站在月台上等待朋友的到来。
He stood on the platform waiting for his friend to arrive.
5. 月台上有一些商店和餐馆。
There are some shops and restaurants on the platform.
6. 他在月台上不小心摔倒了。
He fell down on the platform by accident.
7. 月台上的灯光昏暗而温暖。
The lights on the platform are dim and warm.
8. 月台上的列车正在倒车。
The train on the platform is backing up.
9. 月台上有一个候车室供旅客休息。
There is a waiting room on the platform for passengers to rest.
10. 他在月台上迎接了他的家人。
He greeted his family on the platform.
11. 月台上的警告标志提醒乘客要小心。
Warning signs on the platform remind passengers to be careful.
12. 月台上的列车正在发车。
The train on the platform is departing.
13. 请在月台上保持清洁。
Please keep the platform clean.
14. 月台上有一个信息中心可供旅客查询。
There is an information center on the platform for passengers to inquire.
15. 月台上的候车时间有点冷。
It's a bit cold waiting on the platform.
16. 月台上的垃圾桶已经满了。
The trash cans on the platform are full.
17. 月台上的广播一直在播放列车动态信息。
The broadcast on the platform has been playing train updates.
18. 月台上的工作人员正在清理垃圾。
The staff on the platform are cleaning up the trash.
19. 月台上的乘客正在有序地排队。
Passengers on the platform are queuing up in an orderly manner.
20. 他在月台上观察着列车的到来。
He is watching the arrival of the train on the platform.
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