1. 他是一名优秀的刑警,曾经破获过多起重大案件。
He is an excellent detective who has solved many major cases.
2. 这位刑警经验丰富,对破案有很高的技巧。
The detective is experienced and has great skills in solving cases.
3. 刑警局正在加大力度,全力侦破此案。
The police detective bureau is stepping up efforts to solve the case.
4. 他是一名勇敢无畏的刑警,经常面临危险。
He is a brave and fearless detective who often faces danger.
5. 刑警们经过数月的调查,终于成功逮捕了罪犯。
After months of investigation, the detectives finally succeeded in arresting the criminals.
6. 这位刑警在调查中发现了重要的线索。
The detective discovered important clues during the investigation.
7. 刑警们正在对案件展开全面调查。
The detectives are conducting a comprehensive investigation into the case.
8. 这名刑警在破案过程中展现出了出色的分析能力。
The detective showed excellent analytical skills in solving the case.
9. 刑警们正在追踪嫌疑人的行踪。
The detectives are tracking the suspect's whereabouts.
10. 这位刑警在工作中展现出了专业素养。
The detective demonstrated professionalism in his work.
11. 刑警局已经派出了精干的人员进行调查。
The detective bureau has dispatched a capable team to conduct the investigation.
12. 他是一名资深的刑警,有丰富的侦破经验。
He is a seasoned detective with extensive experience in solving cases.
13. 刑警们正在对证据进行分析。
The detectives are analyzing the evidence.
14. 这位刑警在追捕逃犯的过程中受伤了。
The detective was injured while chasing the fugitive.
15. 刑警们正在与其他警方合作,共同侦破此案。
The detectives are cooperating with other law enforcement agencies to solve the case.
16. 这名刑警对案件的发展有着清晰的思路。
The detective has a clear understanding of the development of the case.
17. 刑警们正在对涉案人员展开调查。
The detectives are conducting an investigation into the suspects.
18. 这位刑警在侦破案件中展现出了耐心和毅力。
The detective showed patience and perseverance in solving the case.
19. 刑警们正在搜集证据,准备将罪犯绳之以法。
The detectives are gathering evidence to bring the criminals to justice.
20. 他梦想成为一名出色的刑警,为社会做出贡献。
He dreams of becoming an excellent detective and making a contribution to society.
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