1. 这个坝子是为了防止洪水而修建的。
The dam was built to prevent flooding.
2. 河流上游有一个坝子,用来蓄水发电。
There is a dam upstream of the river for hydroelectric power generation.
3. 她坐在坝子上钓鱼,享受着宁静的时光。
She sat on the weir fishing, enjoying the peace and quiet.
4. 坝子的水位上涨,需要加固修缮。
The water level of the dam has risen and needs reinforcement and repair.
5. 这座坝子是当地人用石头和泥土筑成的。
The weir was built by the locals using stones and mud.
6. 坝子上的水流湍急,要小心越过。
The water flow on the weir is fast, so be careful crossing it.
7. 去年暴雨使得坝子坍塌,导致了严重的洪水。
Last year's heavy rain caused the weir to collapse, leading to severe flooding.
8. 在河流上修建坝子,可以改善水资源利用。
Building weirs on the river can improve the utilization of water resources.
9. 坝子的周围是一片美丽的湿地。
The area around the weir is a beautiful wetland.
10. 这个坝子已经有百年的历史了。
The dam has a history of over a hundred years.
11. 坝子上的鱼儿成群结队地游来游去。
The fish in the weir swim in schools.
12. 坝子的设计考虑了洪水过程中的水位变化。
The design of the dam takes into account the water level changes during flooding.
13. 我们在坝子旁边野餐,欣赏着美丽的风景。
We had a picnic by the weir, enjoying the beautiful scenery.
14. 这座坝子是为了向农田灌溉而修建的。
The weir was built for irrigation to the farmland.
15. 坝子上的瀑布在阳光下闪闪发光。
The waterfall on the weir sparkled in the sunlight.
16. 坝子的水面上漂浮着一些树叶和芦苇。
There are some leaves and reeds floating on the water surface of the weir.
17. 这个坝子是为了提供城市的饮用水。
The dam was built to provide drinking water for the city.
18. 坝子的泄洪口打开了,水流湍急地冲出来。
The spillway of the weir opened, and the water rushed out rapidly.
19. 坝子的下游是一个美丽的湖泊。
The downstream of the weir is a beautiful lake.
20. 我们在坝子上看到了一只捕鱼的鹰。
We saw a fishing eagle on the weir.
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