1. 他们决心坚守自己的立场,不受外界影响。
They are determined to stick to their position and not be influenced by external factors.
2. 在困难面前,我们要坚守信念,不轻言放弃。
In the face of difficulties, we must hold on to our beliefs and not give up easily.
3. 这个农民一直坚守着自己的土地,不愿意卖掉。
The farmer has been holding on to his land and is unwilling to sell it.
4. 在这个领域,只有坚守初心,才能取得成功。
In this field, only by sticking to the original intention can one achieve success.
5. 他们在战场上坚守了整整一周,最终取得了胜利。
They held their ground on the battlefield for a whole week and ultimately achieved victory.
6. 她坚守着每天早晨跑步的习惯,从未间断过。
She has stuck to her habit of running every morning without interruption.
7. 尽管面临着巨大的压力,他依然坚守着自己的原则。
Despite facing immense pressure, he still holds on to his principles.
8. 这个企业在市场竞争中坚守了多年,最终获得了成功。
This company has held its ground in the market competition for many years and eventually achieved success.
9. 她坚守着对待每个学生一视同仁的教育理念。
She sticks to the educational philosophy of treating every student equally.
10. 他们坚守在灾区,全力救援受灾群众。
They held their ground in the disaster area, making every effort to rescue the affected people.
11. 他们在困难时期坚守在一起,共同渡过了难关。
They stuck together during difficult times and got through it together.
12. 尽管经历了许多挫折,他依然坚守着追求梦想的信念。
Despite experiencing many setbacks, he still holds on to the belief of pursuing his dreams.
13. 这个家庭坚守着传统的价值观念,不受外界影响。
This family sticks to traditional values and is not influenced by external factors.
14. 他们坚守着对环境保护的承诺,积极参与各种环保活动。
They stick to their commitment to environmental protection and actively participate in various environmental activities.
15. 在这个岗位上,他坚守了十年,从未间断过。
He has held on to this position for ten years without interruption.
16. 尽管面临着各种诱惑,他依然坚守自己的节食计划。
Despite facing various temptations, he still sticks to his diet plan.
17. 在这个领域,只有坚守初心,才能取得成功。
In this field, only by sticking to the original intention can one achieve success.
18. 尽管遭遇了失败,他依然坚守着自己的梦想,不放弃。
Despite experiencing failure, he still holds on to his dream and does not give up.
19. 她坚守着每天早晨锻炼的习惯,从未间断过。
She has stuck to her habit of exercising every morning without interruption.
20. 尽管遭遇了挫折,他依然坚守着对音乐的热爱,不放弃。
Despite experiencing setbacks, he still holds on to his love for music and does not give up.
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