1. 他拿着一卷古籍在研究。
He is studying a scroll of ancient books.
2. 这部小说是一卷长篇。
This novel is a long volume.
3. 他们在书卷中找到了珍贵的历史资料。
They found valuable historical materials in the scrolls.
4. 这本书卷是古代文化的珍贵遗产。
This scroll is a precious heritage of ancient culture.
5. 他翻阅着古代经卷。
He was reading ancient scrolls.
6. 这部书卷被保存了几个世纪。
This scroll has been preserved for centuries.
7. 他们在废墟中发现了一卷古老的书卷。
They found an ancient scroll in the ruins.
8. 这卷书是从古代文明中传承下来的。
This scroll has been passed down from ancient civilization.
9. 他把书卷小心翼翼地展开。
He carefully unrolled the scroll.
10. 这卷书的内容揭示了古代社会的风俗习惯。
The content of this scroll reveals the customs of ancient society.
11. 在古代,人们常常用书卷来记录重要事件。
In ancient times, people often used scrolls to record important events.
12. 这部书卷是我国古代文学的珍贵遗产之一。
This scroll is one of the precious heritages of ancient Chinese literature.
13. 这卷书的字迹非常工整。
The handwriting on this scroll is very neat.
14. 他花了很长时间研究这卷书的内容。
He spent a long time studying the content of this scroll.
15. 这部书卷记录了古代医学的发展历程。
This scroll records the development of ancient medicine.
16. 他们在古墓中找到了一卷珍贵的经书。
They found a precious scripture in the ancient tomb.
17. 这卷书的内容对研究古代宗教有很大帮助。
The content of this scroll is very helpful for studying ancient religions.
18. 这部书卷是史学研究的重要文献之一。
This scroll is one of the important documents for historical research.
19. 他们在古代遗址中找到了一卷保存完好的书卷。
They found a well-preserved scroll in the ancient ruins.
20. 这卷书的内容对理解古代社会有很大帮助。
The content of this scroll is very helpful for understanding ancient society.
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