1. 他们在街上看到了一个人妖表演。
They saw a transvestite performing on the street.
2. 人妖在舞台上展示了她的华丽服装。
The transvestite showcased her glamorous outfit on stage.
3. 有些人妖选择通过整形手术来改变自己的外貌。
Some transvestites choose to alter their appearance through plastic surgery.
4. 人妖社区面临着许多挑战和歧视。
The transvestite community faces many challenges and discrimination.
5. 他们对人妖的态度非常开放和包容。
They have a very open and inclusive attitude towards transvestites.
6. 人妖在社会上经常遭受歧视和排斥。
Transvestites often face discrimination and exclusion in society.
7. 他们为人妖权益发声并且提倡平等对待。
They speak up for transvestite rights and advocate for equal treatment.
8. 这个俱乐部欢迎所有人,包括人妖。
This club welcomes everyone, including transvestites.
9. 人妖在这个城市有一个自己的社区。
Transvestites have their own community in this city.
10. 他们在人妖游行中表达了对平等和尊重的渴望。
They expressed a desire for equality and respect in the transvestite parade.
11. 他们对人妖的态度非常友好。
They are very friendly towards transvestites.
12. 人妖在这个城市有自己的夜店和表演场所。
Transvestites have their own nightclubs and performance venues in this city.
13. 这个社区组织了一次人妖文化节。
This community organized a transvestite cultural festival.
14. 他们对人妖的生活方式保持着开放的态度。
They maintain an open attitude towards the transvestite lifestyle.
15. 人妖在这个城市有一个固定的聚会地点。
Transvestites have a regular meeting place in this city.
16. 他们对人妖的表演给予了高度的赞赏。
They showed great appreciation for the transvestite performance.
17. 这个酒吧经常举办人妖主题的派对。
This bar often hosts transvestite-themed parties.
18. 他们对人妖的社区做出了慷慨的捐赠。
They made generous donations to the transvestite community.
19. 人妖在这个城市有一个自己的社交网络。
Transvestites have their own social network in this city.
20. 他们对人妖的权益进行了积极的倡导。
They actively advocated for transvestite rights.
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