1. 他在比赛中切人得分。
He scored by cutting past his opponent in the game.
2. 他善于利用速度和突破技巧切人。
He is good at using speed and dribbling skills to cut past defenders.
3. 他在比赛中频频切人,给对方防线制造了很大麻烦。
He frequently cut past defenders in the game, causing a lot of trouble for the opposing defense.
4. 他在比赛中展现出了出色的切人能力。
He showed excellent cutting ability in the game.
5. 他的切人技巧令人叹为观止。
His cutting skills are amazing.
6. 他的切人速度让对手望尘莫及。
His cutting speed leaves opponents in the dust.
7. 他的切人突破为球队赢得了进球。
His cutting breakthroughs won the team goals.
8. 他在比赛中频频使用切人突破来打破对方防线。
He frequently used cutting breakthroughs to break through the opposing defense in the game.
9. 他的切人技巧让对手措手不及。
His cutting skills caught opponents off guard.
10. 他的切人速度让人难以防守。
His cutting speed is hard to defend against.
11. 他的切人能力让他成为球队的得分机器。
His cutting ability makes him a scoring machine for the team.
12. 他利用切人突破轻松得分。
He easily scores by cutting past defenders.
13. 他的切人技巧令人瞠目结舌。
His cutting skills are jaw-dropping.
14. 他的切人突破为球队带来了胜利。
His cutting breakthroughs brought victory to the team.
15. 他在比赛中频频切人,让对手防线不知所措。
He frequently cut past defenders in the game, leaving the opposing defense at a loss.
16. 他的切人速度让对手望尘莫及。
His cutting speed left opponents in the dust.
17. 他的切人突破技巧让他成为球队的得分王。
His cutting breakthrough skills make him the scoring king for the team.
18. 他的切人能力让他成为球队的进攻核心。
His cutting ability makes him the core of the team's offense.
19. 他在比赛中频频利用切人技巧制造机会。
He frequently used cutting skills to create opportunities in the game.
20. 他的切人突破为球队赢得了比赛。
His cutting breakthroughs won the game for the team.
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