首页 汉字



1. chíyǒuzhèzhāngpiàojīnghěnjiǔle

I have been holding onto this stock for a long time.

2. chíyǒulefènzhòngyàowénjiàn

He is in possession of an important document.

3. chíyǒuzhezhānghángbāndepiào

She is holding a ticket for the flight.

4. menchíyǒulefènzuìxīndebàogào

We have obtained a copy of the latest report.

5. menchíyǒuzhegōngdefèn

They hold shares in the company.

6. menchíyǒuguānzhèwèndexiángxìn

We have detailed information about the issue.

7. zhèjiāgōngchíyǒulexiàngzhòngyàozhuān

The company holds a crucial patent.

8. menchíyǒulefènzhìliànghěngāodezhèngshū

They hold a high-quality certificate.

9. menchíyǒulefènzhòngyàodezhèng

We have obtained an important license.

10. chíyǒulefènguānchǎnpǐndezhuān

She holds a patent for the product.

11. menchíyǒulefènguāngōngdexiángbàogào

We have obtained a detailed report about the company.

12. menchíyǒulefènguānshìchǎngshìdeyánjiūbàogào

They hold a research report on market trends.

13. menchíyǒulefènguānjìngzhēngduìshǒudefēnbàogào

We have obtained an analysis report on our competitors.

14. chíyǒulefènguānhángzhǎndebàogào

She is holding a forecast report on industry development.

15. menchíyǒulefènguānfǎnkuìdediàochábàogào

We have obtained a survey report on customer feedback.

16. menchíyǒulefènguānxīnchǎnpǐntuīchūdeshìchǎngdiàochábàogào

They hold a market research report on the launch of a new product.

17. menchíyǒulefènguānshìchǎngqiúdefēnbàogào

We have obtained an analysis report on market demand.

18. menchíyǒulefènguāntóuhuìdeyánjiūbàogào

They hold a research report on investment opportunities.

19. menchíyǒulefènguānhuánjìngyǐngxiǎngdepíngbàogào

We have obtained an assessment report on environmental impact.

20. chíyǒulefènguānhángwèiláishìdebàogào

She holds a forecast report on future trends in the industry.


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