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1. shìgǎnyándezhězǒngshìgǎnjiēzhēnxiàng

He is a daring journalist who is always willing to expose the truth.

2. yǒugǎnyándejīngshéncóngwèiquánwēi

She has a fearless spirit and never fears authority.

3. zàizhèshèhuìshàngmenyàogèngduōgǎnyánderényǒnggǎnshuōchūdexiǎng

In this society, we need more people who dare to speak out bravely and express their thoughts.

4. degǎnyánxíngwèiyǐnlehěnduōzhēng

His outspoken behavior has sparked a lot of controversy.

5. zuòwéimínglǐngdǎozhěyǒugǎnyándepǐnzhìyǒnggǎnwèituánduìshuōhuà

As a leader, he must have the courage to speak up for the team.

6. zàizhèfēngdeshèhuìhěnshǎoyǒuréngǎnyán

In this closed society, few people dare to speak out.

7. shìgǎnyándeshùjiāzǒngshìyǒnggǎnbiǎodexiǎng

She is a daring artist who always bravely expresses her thoughts.

8. zhǐyǒugǎnyánderéncáinénggǎibiànshèhuì

Only those who dare to speak out can change society.

9. degǎnyánjīngshén使shǐchéngwéilezhòngréndebǎngyàng

His boldness in speaking out has made him a role model for others.

10. zàizhèguānliáozhìxiàhěnshǎoyǒuréngǎnyán

In this bureaucratic system, few people dare to speak out.

11. yīnwèigǎnyánérbèi

He was arrested for speaking out.

12. gǎnyánderénwǎngwǎnghuìshòudào

People who dare to speak out often face suppression.

13. degǎnyán使shǐchéngwéilezhòngshǐzhī

His outspokenness has made him a target of criticism.

14. gǎnyánzhěchángchánghuìyǐnzhēng

Those who dare to speak out often stir controversy.

15. degǎnyánjīngshénleduōrén

Her spirit of speaking out has inspired many people.

16. degǎnyánxíngwèibèishìwéiyǒnggǎndedòng

His outspoken behavior is seen as a brave act.

17. zàizhèfēngdeshèhuìgǎnyánzhěchángchánghuìshòudàowēixié

In this closed society, those who dare to speak out often face threats.

18. degǎnyánwèiyíngdelezūnzhòng

His boldness in speaking out has earned him respect.

19. gǎnyánshìgǎibiànshìjiède

Speaking out is the first step to changing the world.

20. shìgǎnyándepínglùnjiāzǒngshìháowèipíngzhèng

He is a daring critic who fearlessly criticizes the government.


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