1. 他是一位经历了无数百战的老将。
He is a veteran who has been through countless battles.
2. 这支队伍已经经历了百战,他们不会轻易被打败。
This team has been through many battles and they won't be easily defeated.
3. 在这场百战之中,他们取得了最终的胜利。
In this hundred battles, they achieved the final victory.
4. 他们勇敢地投入了百战,终于取得了胜利。
They bravely engaged in a hundred battles and finally achieved victory.
5. 他们是百战之师,不会轻易被打败。
They are an army of a hundred battles and won't be easily defeated.
6. 这个将军带领着他的部队经历了无数次百战。
The general led his troops through countless battles.
7. 百战之后,他们终于获得了和平。
After a hundred battles, they finally obtained peace.
8. 他们是经历了百战的民族,拥有坚强的意志。
They are a nation that has been through a hundred battles and have a strong will.
9. 这支队伍是经历了百战的强大力量。
This team is a powerful force that has been through a hundred battles.
10. 在这个百战之地,只有最强大的人才能生存下来。
In this battlefield, only the strongest can survive.
11. 他们的军队经历了无数次百战,但始终坚持不懈。
Their army has been through countless battles, but they have always persevered.
12. 百战之地塑造了他们坚强的意志和勇气。
The battlefield shaped their strong will and courage.
13. 他是一位经历了百战的老将,拥有丰富的经验。
He is a veteran who has been through a hundred battles and has rich experience.
14. 在这片百战之地上,只有最勇敢的人才能生存下来。
In this land of a hundred battles, only the bravest can survive.
15. 这支部队是经历了百战的精锐之师。
This army is an elite force that has been through a hundred battles.
16. 百战之地教会了他们如何坚强地面对困难。
The land of a hundred battles taught them how to face difficulties with strength.
17. 他们是经历了百战的民族,拥有不屈的精神。
They are a nation that has been through a hundred battles and have an indomitable spirit.
18. 在这个百战之地上,只有最聪明的人才能取得胜利。
In this land of a hundred battles, only the smartest can achieve victory.
19. 百战之地考验了他们的毅力和耐力。
The land of a hundred battles tested their perseverance and endurance.
20. 这个将军带领着他的部队在百战之中取得了胜利。
The general led his troops to victory in the hundred battles.
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