1. 他们听到了一阵噗哧的笑声。
They heard a burst of giggles.
2. 她噗哧一笑,露出了可爱的酒窝。
She giggled and showed her cute dimples.
3. 他们在草地上噗哧噗哧地笑个不停。
They laughed and giggled on the grass.
4. 她噗哧一声笑了出来,好像什么都不在乎。
She giggled as if she didn't care about anything.
5. 他们听到了一阵噗哧的笑声,让整个房间都充满了欢乐。
They heard a burst of giggles that filled the whole room with joy.
6. 她噗哧噗哧地笑了起来,好像听到了什么特别有趣的事情。
She giggled as if she had heard something particularly funny.
7. 孩子们噗哧噗哧地笑着,好像他们听到了世界上最好笑的笑话一样。
The children giggled as if they had heard the funniest joke in the world.
8. 她噗哧一笑,让整个房间都变得明亮起来。
She giggled and brightened up the whole room.
9. 他们噗哧噗哧地笑了起来,好像世界上没有什么可担心的事情。
They giggled as if there was nothing to worry about in the world.
10. 她噗哧一笑,让他感到了一丝温暖和安慰。
She giggled and made him feel a little warmth and comfort.
11. 她噗哧一笑,好像什么都变得不那么严肃了。
She giggled as if nothing was so serious anymore.
12. 他们噗哧噗哧地笑了起来,好像所有的烦恼都烟消云散了。
They giggled as if all their worries had vanished.
13. 她噗哧一笑,好像世界上所有的忧愁都不复存在。
She giggled as if all the sorrows in the world had disappeared.
14. 他们听到了一阵噗哧噗哧的笑声,好像整个世界都变得欢快起来。
They heard a burst of giggles as if the whole world had become cheerful.
15. 她噗哧一笑,好像所有的痛苦都变得微不足道。
She giggled as if all the pain had become insignificant.
16. 他们噗哧噗哧地笑了起来,好像所有的挫折都变得无关紧要。
They giggled as if all the setbacks had become irrelevant.
17. 她噗哧一笑,好像一切都变得那么轻松自在。
She giggled as if everything had become so easy and comfortable.
18. 他们听到了一阵噗哧的笑声,好像所有的压力都烟消云散了。
They heard a burst of giggles as if all the pressure had vanished.
19. 她噗哧一笑,好像一切都变得那么简单明了。
She giggled as if everything had become so simple and clear.
20. 他们噗哧噗哧地笑了起来,好像整个世界都变得美好起来。
They giggled as if the whole world had become wonderful.
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