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1. menzàidiànyǐngyuànzhǎodàolehǎozuòwèi

We found good seats in the cinema.

2. zhècāntīngdezuòwèidōujīngdìngmǎnle

The seats in this restaurant are all fully booked.

3. zàichēshàngzhǎoleshūshìdezuòwèi

She found a comfortable seat on the train.

4. dezuòwèizàizhèbiāngēnzǒuba

Your seat is over here, come with me.

5. qǐngnínjiùzuògěinínzhǎozuòwèi

Please have a seat, I'll find you a seat.

6. mendezuòwèishìkàojìntáide

Our seats are close to the stage.

7. zhèfēidezuòwèifēichángkuānchǎng

The seats on this plane are very spacious.

8. mendìnglekàochuāngdezuòwèi

We booked a window seat.

9. néngnéngbāngzhànzuòwèi

Can you save me a seat?

10. zhèliànggōnggòngchēshàngméiyǒukòngzuòwèile

There are no empty seats on this bus.

11. menzuòzàicānzhuōdeliǎngduān

They sat at opposite ends of the table.

12. menzàiyǎnchànghuìshàngzhǎodàolehěnhǎodewèizhì

We found a great spot at the concert.

13. menzàigōngyuánzhǎolecǎopíngshàngdewèizhì

They found a spot on the grass in the park.

14. huānzuòzàijiàoshìdehòupái

I like to sit at the back of the classroom.

15. qǐngyàozhànyòngbiéréndezuòwèi

Please do not take someone else's seat.

16. mendezuòwèihàoshì115516。

Our seat numbers are 15 and 16.

17. menzuòzàihuǒchēshàngdeduìmiàn

They sat opposite each other on the train.

18. zhècāntīngdezuòwèidōushìshìwàide

The seats in this restaurant are all outdoors.

19. menzàifēishàngzhǎodàolexiānglíndezuòwèi

They found adjacent seats on the plane.

20. menzàihuìshìzhǎodàolekōngzuòwèi

We found an empty seat in the meeting room.


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