1. 春节过后,我们公司就要开工了。
After the Spring Festival, our company will start working.
2. 今天是个吉利日子,我们决定开工。
Today is an auspicious day, so we have decided to start working.
3. 工厂的设备已经调试完毕,可以开始开工了。
The factory's equipment has been debugged and is ready to start working.
4. 明天就是开工第一天,大家都要早点来。
Tomorrow is the first day of work, everyone needs to come early.
5. 节假日结束,马上就要开工了。
As the holiday ends, we are about to start working.
6. 节日期间停工,明天就要正式开工了。
We stopped working during the holiday, and will officially start working tomorrow.
7. 各位同事,新的一年即将开工,让我们一起努力。
Colleagues, the new year is about to start, let's work hard together.
8. 新项目已经准备就绪,我们可以开始开工了。
The new project is ready, we can start working now.
9. 春节假期结束,我们公司将于下周一开工。
After the Spring Festival holiday, our company will start working next Monday.
10. 明天就是开工的日子了,大家要准备好。
Tomorrow is the day we start working, everyone needs to be prepared.
11. 我们公司将于2月10日开工
Our company will start working on February 10th.
12. 春节假期结束,我们即将开工。
As the Spring Festival holiday ends, we are about to start working.
13. 明天就是开工的第一天,大家要全力以赴。
Tomorrow is the first day of work, everyone needs to give it their all.
14. 我们计划在下周一开工,准备好了吗?
We plan to start working next Monday, are you ready?
15. 春节过后就要开工,大家要做好准备。
After the Spring Festival, we will start working, everyone needs to be prepared.
16. 我们公司决定在2月初开工。
Our company has decided to start working in early February.
17. 春节假期结束,我们公司将于下周一开工。
After the Spring Festival holiday, our company will start working next Monday.
18. 明天就是开工的日子了,大家要做好准备。
Tomorrow is the day we start working, everyone needs to be prepared.
19. 我们公司将于2月10日开工
Our company will start working on February 10th.
20. 春节假期结束,我们即将开工。
As the Spring Festival holiday ends, we are about to start working.
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