1. 他咀嚼着口香糖,专注地看着窗外。
He chewed gum and watched out of the window with concentration.
2. 她慢慢地咀嚼着食物,享受着每一口的滋味。
She slowly chewed her food, savoring every bite.
3. 孩子们在咀嚼着甜甜的糖果,欢声笑语。
The children were chewing sweet candies, laughing and talking.
4. 他习惯性地咀嚼着嘴里的笔尖,思考着下一步的计划。
He habitually chewed on the end of his pen, thinking about his next move.
5. 她生气地咬紧了牙关,不停地咀嚼着嘴里的食物。
She angrily clenched her teeth and chewed her food relentlessly.
6. 他咀嚼着口香糖,一边思考着问题,一边散步。
He chewed gum as he walked, pondering the problem.
7. 她咀嚼着嘴里的食物,一脸满足的表情。
She chewed her food with a satisfied expression on her face.
8. 我喜欢慢慢地咀嚼着嘴里的食物,感受着食物的细腻口感。
I like to chew my food slowly, savoring the delicate texture.
9. 他匆匆忙忙地咀嚼着早餐,准备赶去上班。
He hurriedly chewed his breakfast, getting ready for work.
10. 她闭上眼睛,专心地咀嚼着嘴里的食物。
She closed her eyes and concentrated on chewing her food.
11. 他咀嚼着口香糖,一边跟朋友聊天一边走路。
He chewed gum and walked while chatting with his friends.
12. 孩子们在咀嚼着牛肉干,满脸笑容。
The children were chewing beef jerky, with smiles on their faces.
13. 她咀嚼着嘴里的食物,一边看着电视一边放松。
She chewed her food while watching TV and relaxing.
14. 他慢慢地咀嚼着嘴里的食物,享受着宁静的午后时光。
He slowly chewed his food, enjoying the peaceful afternoon.
15. 她咀嚼着口香糖,一边思考着下一个项目的计划。
She chewed gum while thinking about the plan for the next project.
16. 他匆匆忙忙地咀嚼着午餐,准备去开会。
He hurriedly chewed his lunch, getting ready for a meeting.
17. 她咀嚼着嘴里的食物,一边欣赏着窗外的风景。
She chewed her food while admiring the scenery outside the window.
18. 他闭上眼睛,专心地咀嚼着嘴里的食物。
He closed his eyes and concentrated on chewing his food.
19. 孩子们在咀嚼着糖果,尽情地享受着甜美的味道。
The children were chewing candies, enjoying the sweet taste.
20. 他习惯性地咀嚼着嘴里的笔尖,一边思考着下一步的计划。
He habitually chewed on the end of his pen, thinking about his next move.
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