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1. zàihuāyuánduókǎozherénshēngde

He strolled in the garden, pondering the meaning of life.

2. duózǒuguòjiēxīnqíngyuè

She walked down the street, feeling cheerful.

3. huānzàigōngyuánduóxiǎngshòurándeměihǎo

I enjoy taking a stroll in the park, enjoying the beauty of nature.

4. duó穿chuānguòfángjiānkǎozhexiàgāizěnmezuò

He paced back and forth in the room, contemplating his next move.

5. duódàolehǎibiānzheqīngxīndehǎifēng

She strolled to the beach, bathing in the fresh sea breeze.

6. huānpéngyǒuduóchàngtánrénshēng

I like to take a walk with friends, talking about life.

7. zàigōngyuánduófàngsōngxīnqíng

He walked in the park, relaxing his mind.

8. huānzàiwǎnduóxiǎngshòuníngjìngdeshí

She enjoys taking a walk at night, savoring the quiet moments.

9. menduódàoleshāndǐngxīnshǎngzheměidefēngjǐng

We strolled to the mountaintop, admiring the beautiful scenery.

10. huānzàizhōngduógǎnshòuránde

He likes to take a walk in the rain, feeling the baptism of nature.

11. duódàolegōngyuándegōngxiǎngshòuxúnzhǎochūkǒude

She strolled into the maze in the park, enjoying the fun of finding the way out.

12. zàijiēshàngduóxīnshǎngzhejiànzhùdeměi

He walked on the street, admiring the beauty of the buildings.

13. menduódàolebiāntīngzheshuǐliúdeshēngyīn

We strolled to the riverside, listening to the sound of water.

14. zàihuāyuánduóxīnshǎngzhehuāduǒdeměi

She strolled in the garden, admiring the beauty of the flowers.

15. duódàolegōngyuándebiānxīnshǎngzhedàoyǐngzàishuǐzhōngdejǐng

He walked to the lake in the park, admiring the scenery reflected in the water.

16. huānzàiluòshífēnduóxīnshǎngměideyáng

He likes to take a walk at sunset, admiring the beautiful evening sun.

17. menduódàolechéngshìdezhōngxīn广guǎngchǎnggǎnshòuzhefánhuáde

We strolled to the central square of the city, feeling the bustling atmosphere.

18. duódàolesēnlínzheqīngxīndekōng

She strolled into the forest, bathing in the fresh air.

19. zàihǎitānshàngduógǎnshòuzheshātānderóuruǎn

He walked on the beach, feeling the softness of the sand.

20. huānzàixiāngjiānxiǎoshàngduóxiǎngshòuníngjìngdeshíguāng

I like to take a stroll on the country roads, enjoying the peaceful time.


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