1. 他用鞭子抽打了马匹。
He whipped the horses with a whip.
2. 这个驯兽师手里拿着一根长长的鞭子。
The animal trainer held a long whip in his hand.
3. 她用鞭子抽打着地面,示意马车停下来。
She cracked the whip against the ground to signal the carriage to stop.
4. 在过去的一段时间里,鞭子被用来作为惩罚的工具。
The whip has been used as a tool of punishment in the past.
5. 小孩子们在游戏中用鞭子打击地面,制造出节奏感。
The children used the whip to strike the ground and create a rhythmic sound in their game.
6. 在牧场里,牧人会用鞭子驱赶牛群。
In the pasture, the herdsman would use a whip to drive the cattle.
7. 她手里拿着鞭子,准备训练那匹野马。
She held a whip in her hand, ready to train the wild horse.
8. 这种鞭子是由皮革制成的。
This whip is made of leather.
9. 他用鞭子抽打着地面,发出清脆的声音。
He whipped the ground, making a sharp sound.
10. 这位骑手手里拿着一根马鞭。
The rider held a horse whip in his hand.
11. 马车夫手里拿着一根鞭子,驱赶着马匹。
The coachman held a whip, urging the horses forward.
12. 在古代,鞭子被用来惩罚奴隶。
In ancient times, the whip was used to punish slaves.
13. 鞭子的尖端发出了一声尖锐的响声。
The tip of the whip cracked sharply.
14. 他手里拿着一根鞭子,示意着马匹前进。
He held a whip in his hand, signaling the horses to move forward.
15. 鞭子在空中呼啸着,发出了一声尖锐的声音。
The whip whistled through the air, making a sharp sound.
16. 他被鞭子抽打了一顿,受到了严厉的惩罚。
He was whipped and received a severe punishment.
17. 这种鞭子是由绳子编织而成的。
This whip is made of braided rope.
18. 鞭子的尾部被装饰成了流苏。
The end of the whip was decorated with tassels.
19. 鞭子在他手中舞动,制造出了一种威胁的氛围。
The whip danced in his hand, creating a threatening atmosphere.
20. 他手里拿着鞭子,威胁着那些不听话的动物。
He held a whip, threatening the disobedient animals.
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