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1. deránxiāochénshìxiángdezhēngzhào

His sudden depression is a bad omen.

2. zhèxiēyúnshìbàofēngdezhēngzhào

These dark clouds are a sign of a storm.

3. deshīmiánshìshēnshìdezhēngzhào

Her insomnia is a symptom of ill health.

4. zhèxiēdòngshìjiāngzhídezhēngzhào

These actions are a sign that he is about to resign.

5. zhèxiēcǎoběnzhídeshèngkāishìchūntiāndezhēngzhào

The blooming of these herbs is a sign of spring.

6. rántíngdiànnéngshìdiànzhàngdezhēngzhào

Sudden power outage could be a sign of circuit malfunction.

7. zhèshìxiángdezhēngzhào

This is a bad omen.

8. zhèshìhǎozhàotou

This is a good omen.

9. shìxiángdezhēngzhào

Crows are a bad omen.

10. degāoshāoshìbìngdezhēngzhào

His high fever is a sign of illness.

11. zhèxiēbiànhuànéngshìgōngjǐngdezhēngzhào

These changes may be signs of a downturn in the company.

12. qúndeqiānshìhǎiyángshēngtàihuánjìngdezhēngzhào

The migration of fish is a sign of the marine ecological environment.

13. dezàoshìxīnqínghǎodezhēngzhào

His irritability is a sign of his bad mood.

14. zhèxiēniǎolèideqiānshìjiébiànhuàdezhēngzhào

The migration of these birds is a sign of seasonal change.

15. dechénshìnèixīnmáodùndezhēngzhào

His silence is a sign of his inner conflict.

16. zhèxiējīngshùshìjīngshuāi退tuìdezhēngzhào

These economic data are signs of an economic recession.

17. zhèxiēxíngwéishìjiānggǎibiànzhǔdezhēngzhào

These actions are signs that he is about to change his mind.

18. zhèxiēbàoshìjiànshìshèhuìdòngdàngdezhēngzhào

These violent events are signs of social unrest.

19. zhèxiēzhèngzhuàngshìbìngdezhēngzhào

These symptoms are signs of illness.

20. zhèxiēzhēngzhàobiǎomíngliǎoxiángdewèilái

These signs indicate an ominous future.


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