1. 他考试成绩双全,既有优异的数学成绩,又有出色的语文成绩。
He excels in both math and Chinese subjects, achieving double excellence in his exam results.
2. 她不仅聪明,而且擅长运动,算是一个双全的学生。
She is not only intelligent but also good at sports, making her a well-rounded student.
3. 他是一位双全的艺术家,既擅长绘画又擅长雕塑。
He is a versatile artist, excelling in both painting and sculpting.
4. 她的音乐才华双全,不仅擅长演奏乐器,还能作曲。
She has a double talent in music, being proficient in playing instruments and composing.
5. 这位运动员双全,不仅在田径比赛中表现出色,还在游泳比赛中获得了冠军。
This athlete is versatile, excelling not only in track and field events but also winning championships in swimming competitions.
6. 他的才华双全,既擅长写作,又有出色的演讲能力。
He is talented in both writing and has excellent public speaking skills.
7. 这家餐厅的菜品双全,既有中餐又有西餐。
This restaurant offers a diverse menu, serving both Chinese and Western cuisine.
8. 她的学业成绩双全,不仅在科学方面表现出色,还在艺术课程中取得了优异的成绩。
She excels in both academic and artistic subjects, achieving outstanding results in science as well as art courses.
9. 这位演员是一位双全的表演者,既擅长喜剧演出,又能演绎出深情的角色。
This actor is a versatile performer, excelling in comedy as well as portraying emotional characters.
10. 这位厨师的厨艺双全,不仅擅长烹饪中餐,还能烹饪出美味的西餐。
This chef is skilled in both Chinese and Western cuisine, able to cook delicious dishes from both traditions.
11. 他是一位双全的领导者,既有出色的管理能力,又能够激励团队成员。
He is a well-rounded leader, possessing excellent management skills and the ability to motivate team members.
12. 这位设计师的设计风格双全,既擅长现代风格,又能设计出典雅的传统风格。
This designer's style is versatile, excelling in modern designs as well as creating elegant traditional styles.
13. 她的外语能力双全,既能流利地使用英语,还能用法语进行交流。
She is proficient in both English and French, able to communicate fluently in both languages.
14. 这位演奏家的音乐才华双全,既擅长弹奏钢琴,又能演奏小提琴。
This musician has a double talent in music, excelling in both piano and violin performance.
15. 她的职业生涯双全,既有成功的商业经验,又有丰富的教育背景。
She has a well-rounded career, with successful business experience as well as a rich educational background.
16. 这所学校的教学资源双全,既有优秀的师资力量,又有先进的教学设施。
This school has comprehensive teaching resources, with excellent teaching staff as well as advanced teaching facilities.
17. 这位运动员的身体素质双全,既有出色的耐力,又有强大的力量。
This athlete has a well-rounded physical fitness, possessing both excellent endurance and strong power.
18. 他的艺术作品双全,既有油画作品,又有雕塑作品。
His artistic works are versatile, including both oil paintings and sculptures.
19. 这家公司的产品线双全,既有电子产品,又有家居用品。
This company has a diverse product line, offering both electronic products and household goods.
20. 她的厨艺双全,不仅擅长烹饪中餐,还能做出地道的西餐。
She is skilled in both Chinese and Western cuisine, able to cook authentic dishes from both traditions.
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