1. 这位法师拥有着神通,能够预言未来。
The magician possesses supernatural powers and can predict the future.
2. 他的神通让他能够看穿别人的心思。
His supernatural powers enable him to read other people's minds.
3. 传说中的神通者可以治愈任何疾病。
The legendary sorcerer is said to have the power to cure any illness.
4. 她通过神通躲过了一场灾难。
She escaped a disaster through supernatural means.
5. 这个角色在小说中展现出了她的神通。
The character displays her supernatural abilities in the novel.
6. 他的神通使他能够移动物体。
His supernatural powers enable him to move objects.
7. 有人声称拥有神通的人可以控制天气。
Some claim that those with supernatural powers can control the weather.
8. 这个传说中的神通者能够变出任何东西。
The legendary sorcerer is said to be able to conjure anything.
9. 他的神通使他能够看到未来的事情。
His supernatural powers enable him to see into the future.
10. 传说中的神通者可以与动物交流。
The legendary sorcerer is said to have the power to communicate with animals.
11. 这位神通者在战斗中展现了他的强大力量。
The sorcerer demonstrated his formidable powers in battle.
12. 传说中的神通者能够控制人们的思想。
The legendary sorcerer is said to have the power to control people's minds.
13. 他的神通让他能够飞行。
His supernatural powers enable him to fly.
14. 这个传说中的神通者能够制造奇迹。
The legendary sorcerer is said to be able to perform miracles.
15. 她的神通使她能够治愈疾病。
Her supernatural powers enable her to heal illnesses.
16. 传说中的神通者能够变出食物和水。
The legendary sorcerer is said to be able to conjure food and water.
17. 他的神通让他能够预测天灾。
His supernatural powers enable him to predict natural disasters.
18. 这个传说中的神通者能够操控时间。
The legendary sorcerer is said to have the power to manipulate time.
19. 他的神通使他能够传送到任何地方。
His supernatural powers enable him to teleport anywhere.
20. 传说中的神通者能够复活死者。
The legendary sorcerer is said to have the power to resurrect the dead.
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