1. 他一声应了,表示同意。
He responded with a sound, indicating his agreement.
2. 孩子们应声唱起了歌。
The children sang along with the music.
3. 他应声回答了老师的问题。
He answered the teacher's question promptly.
4. 她应声说出了自己的观点。
She promptly voiced her own opinion.
5. 他们应声欢呼着支持自己的队伍。
They cheered in support of their team.
6. 在听到警报声后,大家都应声逃离了房子。
After hearing the alarm, everyone promptly evacuated the building.
7. 他们应声跟随了领队的指示。
They promptly followed the leader's instructions.
8. 他们应声加入了讨论。
They readily joined in the discussion.
9. 他们应声为自己的权利而奋斗。
They readily fought for their rights.
10. 她应声表示她的意见。
She readily expressed her opinion.
11. 他们应声为自己的信仰而战。
They readily fought for their beliefs.
12. 在听到请求后,他们应声伸出援手。
Upon hearing the request, they readily offered their help.
13. 他应声批评了政府的政策。
He promptly criticized the government's policies.
14. 她应声加入了抗议的队伍。
She readily joined the protest.
15. 在听到问题后,他应声回答了。
Upon hearing the question, he promptly responded.
16. 他应声发表了自己的看法。
He readily voiced his own opinions.
17. 老师提出问题后,学生们应声回答了。
After the teacher posed the question, the students promptly responded.
18. 他应声加入了抗议的队伍。
He readily joined the protest.
19. 他应声支持了这项提议。
He readily supported the proposal.
20. 在听到邀请后,他们应声接受了。
Upon hearing the invitation, they promptly accepted.
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