1. 孩子们在草地上转圈玩耍。
The children are playing and running in circles on the grass.
2. 风车在风中不停地转圈。
The windmill keeps spinning in circles in the wind.
3. 他们在舞池上转圈跳舞。
They are dancing and twirling around on the dance floor.
4. 小狗追着自己的尾巴转圈。
The puppy is chasing its own tail in circles.
5. 老人在公园里转圈散步。
The elderly man is walking in circles around the park.
6. 飞机在天空中转圈等待着降落。
The airplane is circling in the sky, waiting to land.
7. 她在房间里转圈,寻找遗失的钥匙。
She is pacing in circles in the room, searching for her lost keys.
8. 轮船在海上转圈寻找失踪的船员。
The ship is circling in the sea, searching for the missing crew members.
9. 她的思绪在脑海中不停地转圈。
Her thoughts are circling in her mind endlessly.
10. 自行车手在赛道上转圈比赛。
The cyclists are racing and circling around the track.
11. 汽车在停车场里转圈找寻停车位。
The car is circling around the parking lot, looking for a parking spot.
12. 鸽子在空中转圈,寻找着着陆的地方。
The pigeon is circling in the air, searching for a place to land.
13. 他们在篮球场上转圈练习跑步。
They are running and circling around the basketball court for practice.
14. 雪橇犬在雪地上转圈拉雪橇。
The sled dogs are circling in the snow, pulling the sled.
15. 舞者在舞台上转圈表演。
The dancers are performing and twirling around on the stage.
16. 摩天轮在夜晚灯火辉煌中转圈。
The Ferris wheel is spinning in circles amidst the brilliant lights at night.
17. 飞鸟在天空中转圈,形成美丽的图案。
The birds are circling in the sky, forming beautiful patterns.
18. 小船在湖面上转圈游玩。
The small boat is circling and playing on the lake.
19. 蜜蜂在花园里转圈采蜜。
The bees are circling around in the garden, collecting nectar.
20. 棒球手在垒上转圈等待得分。
The baseball player is circling around the bases, waiting to score.
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