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1. xíngrényuànrènrénzuò

He walks alone, unwilling to cooperate with anyone.

2. xíngrénrénnénggòujiědetòng

She walks alone, with no one to understand her pain.

3. xuǎnlexíngdedàoyuànshòudàorènréndegānrǎo

He chose the path of solitary walking, unwilling to be disturbed by anyone.

4. zàixíngzhōngzhǎodàolenèixīndepíngjìngānníng

She found inner peace and tranquility in solitary walking.

5. xíngshānlínzhījiānxiǎngshòuzherándeníngjìng

He walks alone in the mountains, enjoying the tranquility of nature.

6. xíng使shǐgèngjiāzhuānzhùdenèixīnshìjiè

Solitary walking makes her more focused on her inner world.

7. huānzàihuánghūnshífēnxíngxīnshǎngzheyánghuī

He likes to walk alone at dusk, enjoying the glow of the setting sun.

8. xíngràngyǒushíjiānfǎnderénshēngbiāo

Solitary walking gives him time to reflect on his life and goals.

9. zàixíngzhōngzhǎodàolelínggǎnchuàngzuòchūleduōměimiàodezuòpǐn

She found inspiration in solitary walking and created many wonderful works.

10. xíng使shǐgèngjiājiāndìngledexìnniànjiàzhíguān

Solitary walking has strengthened his beliefs and values.

11. HHe prefers to walk alonee as it gives him time to clear his mind and think.

12. She embarked on a solitary walk to clear her head and find some peace.

12. TThe old man took a solitary walk along the beachh lost in his thoughts.

14. After the argument, she needed to take a solitary walk to calm down.

13. HHe often goes for solitary walks in the woods to connect with nature.

16. The artist found inspiration during his solitary walks in the countryside.

14. TTaking a solitary walk helps her to gather her thoughts and find clarity.

18. The poet found solace in solitary walks, allowing him to express his emotions through his writing.

15. SShe went for a solitary walk to escape the chaos and noise of the city.

20. His solitary walks along the riverbank helped him to find peace and perspective.


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