1. 国家的繁荣昌盛是我们追求的升平目标。
The prosperity of the nation is the goal of our pursuit of stability and peace.
2. 他努力工作,希望能够过上升平的生活。
He works hard in the hope of living a peaceful life.
3. 在这个地区,经济已经开始步入升平的轨道。
In this region, the economy has begun to enter a period of stability and peace.
4. 他们希望通过外交手段实现国际关系的升平。
They hope to achieve stability and peace in international relations through diplomatic means.
5. 这个城市的治安状况正在逐渐趋向升平。
The public security situation in this city is gradually moving towards stability and peace.
6. 在战争结束后,人们渴望国家能够重返升平的状态。
After the war, people long for the country to return to a state of stability and peace.
7. 他们努力促进社会的升平与发展。
They are working hard to promote the stability and development of society.
8. 这个地区已经实现了长期的升平与繁荣。
This region has achieved long-term stability and prosperity.
9. 他们希望通过谈判实现双方之间的升平。
They hope to achieve stability and peace between the two sides through negotiation.
10. 在这个时期,人们渴望国家能够实现长期的升平。
During this period, people long for the country to achieve long-term stability and peace.
11. 在经历了动荡之后,这个地区终于迎来了升平。
After experiencing turmoil, this region has finally ushered in a period of stability and peace.
12. 他们努力维护国家的升平与安宁。
They work hard to maintain the stability and peace of the country.
13. 这个国家正在经历一段升平的时期。
This country is going through a period of stability and peace.
14. 他们致力于建设一个升平繁荣的社会。
They are committed to building a stable and prosperous society.
15. 在这个时期,人们渴望社会能够实现长期的升平。
During this period, people long for society to achieve long-term stability and peace.
16. 这个地区已经实现了长期的升平与繁荣。
This region has achieved long-term stability and prosperity.
17. 他们希望通过谈判实现双方之间的升平。
They hope to achieve stability and peace between the two sides through negotiation.
18. 在这个时期,人们渴望国家能够实现长期的升平。
During this period, people long for the country to achieve long-term stability and peace.
19. 在经历了动荡之后,这个地区终于迎来了升平。
After experiencing turmoil, this region has finally ushered in a period of stability and peace.
20. 他们努力维护国家的升平与安宁。
They work hard to maintain the stability and peace of the country.
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