1. 亘古以来,人们就在这片土地上生活。
Since ancient times, people have been living on this land.
2. 这个传统已经延续了亘古。
This tradition has continued since ancient times.
3. 亘古不变的真理是,善良永远战胜邪恶。
The eternal truth is that goodness always triumphs over evil.
4. 亘古以来,星星就是人类的向导。
Since time immemorial, stars have been the guide for humanity.
5. 这座城市有着亘古的历史和文化遗产。
This city has an ancient history and cultural heritage.
6. 亘古的智慧传承着人类的文明。
The ancient wisdom carries on the civilization of humanity.
7. 亘古的故事和传说一直被人们传颂。
Ancient stories and legends have always been passed down by people.
8. 亘古以来,爱和和平一直是人类的追求。
Love and peace have been the pursuit of humanity since ancient times.
9. 这是一种亘古不变的规律。
This is an eternal law.
10. 亘古的河流在这片土地上流淌着。
The ancient river flows through this land.
11. 亘古以来,人们一直在探索宇宙的奥秘。
Since ancient times, people have been exploring the mysteries of the universe.
12. 这是亘古的智慧所能传达的。
This is what the wisdom of the ages can convey.
13. 亘古的山川依然傲然挺立。
The ancient mountains and rivers still stand tall.
14. 亘古以来,人类一直在追求知识和智慧。
Since ancient times, humanity has been seeking knowledge and wisdom.
15. 这是一种亘古不变的信念。
This is an eternal belief.
16. 亘古的星空中闪烁着无尽的奥秘。
The ancient starry sky twinkles with endless mysteries.
17. 亘古的传统一直延续至今。
The ancient tradition has continued to this day.
18. 这是亘古的宇宙规律。
This is the eternal law of the universe.
19. 亘古的建筑依然屹立不倒。
The ancient buildings still stand strong.
20. 亘古以来,人们一直在寻找生命的意义。
Since ancient times, people have been searching for the meaning of life.
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