1. 她用竹篮子采摘了一筐新鲜的蔬菜。
She picked a basket of fresh vegetables with a bamboo basket.
2. 竹篮编织工艺是中国传统手工艺之一。
Bamboo basket weaving is one of the traditional handicrafts in China.
3. 我买了一个竹篮子来装水果。
I bought a bamboo basket to hold fruit.
4. 她把竹篮子挂在了自行车的把手上。
She hung the bamboo basket on the handlebars of the bike.
5. 这个竹篮子结实耐用。
This bamboo basket is sturdy and durable.
6. 竹篮子上的图案非常精美。
The pattern on the bamboo basket is very exquisite.
7. 他拿着竹篮子去采摘蘑菇。
He took a bamboo basket to pick mushrooms.
8. 我们把竹篮子放在了阳台上晾晒。
We put the bamboo basket on the balcony to air dry.
9. 她用竹篮子装满了鲜花。
She filled the bamboo basket with fresh flowers.
10. 这个竹篮子可以用来装洗好的衣服。
This bamboo basket can be used to hold clean clothes.
11. 在农村,人们经常用竹篮子来打水。
In the countryside, people often use bamboo baskets to draw water.
12. 竹篮子里装满了丰收的果实。
The bamboo basket is filled with the harvest of fruit.
13. 她把竹篮子放在了地上,准备采摘蔬菜。
She put the bamboo basket on the ground, ready to pick vegetables.
14. 这个竹篮子可以折叠起来,很方便携带。
This bamboo basket can be folded and is very convenient to carry.
15. 他用竹篮子来捕鱼。
He used a bamboo basket to catch fish.
16. 这个竹篮子的设计非常简约。
The design of this bamboo basket is very simple.
17. 我们用竹篮子来装干粮。
We use bamboo baskets to hold dry goods.
18. 竹篮子上系着一条红色的丝带。
There is a red ribbon tied to the bamboo basket.
19. 她把竹篮子放在了门口。
She put the bamboo basket at the door.
20. 这个竹篮子是我爷爷留下来的。
This bamboo basket was left by my grandfather.
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