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1. shìhòushēngduìhěnduōshìqíngdōutàiliǎojiě

He is a young person and doesn't know much about many things.

2. zhèhuódòngzhǔyàoshìmiànxiàngniánqīnghòushēngqún

This event is mainly targeted at the younger generation.

3. zhèshètuánzhìpéiyǎnghòushēngdelǐngdǎonéngchuàngxīnwéi

This organization is dedicated to nurturing the leadership and innovation of the younger generation.

4. hòushēngmenduìdeyùnyònglǎobèigèngjiāshúliàn

The younger generation is more adept at using technology than the older generation.

5. zhèjiézhǐzàijuéhòushēngdeqiáncáihuá

This program aims to uncover the potential and talent of the younger generation.

6. hòushēngmenduìshèjiāoméideyùnyòngjiàopínfán

The younger generation is more frequent in using social media.

7. shìwèiniánqīngdehòushēngdànjīngzhǎnxiànchūlefēifándecáihuá

He is a young person, but has already shown extraordinary talent.

8. zhèxiēhòushēngmenduìhuánbǎowènyǒuzhehěngāodeshí

These young people have a high awareness of environmental issues.

9. hòushēngmendechuàngzàoxiǎngxiàngshìxiànde

The creativity and imagination of the younger generation is limitless.

10. zhèxiàngzhǐzàipéiyǎnghòushēngdelǐngdǎoqián

This project aims to cultivate the leadership potential of the younger generation.

11. shìwèiniánqīngdehòushēngdànzàiyīnyuèlǐngjīngyǒulehěndechéngjiù

He is a young person, but has already achieved great success in the music field.

12. hòushēngmenduìxīndejiēshòuhěnkuài

The younger generation has a fast acceptance of new technology.

13. zhèshèhuìyàohòushēngmendehuóchuàngxīnjīngshén

This society needs the vitality and innovation spirit of the younger generation.

14. hòushēngmenduìshìjièchōngmǎnhàoxīn

The younger generation is full of curiosity about the world.

15. zhèxuéxiàohòushēngmencānzhǒngshèhuìhuódòng

This school encourages young people to participate in various social activities.

16. hòushēngmenshìshèhuìdewèilái

The younger generation is the future of society.

17. shìwèiniánqīngdehòushēngdànjīngzhǎnxiànchūlefēifándelǐngdǎonéng

He is a young person, but has already shown extraordinary leadership.

18. hòushēngmenduìshíshàngliúxíngwénhuàyǒuzhemǐnruìdegǎnzhī

The younger generation has a keen perception of fashion and popular culture.

19. zhèjiézhǐzàihòushēngmendechuàngzàoqíng

This program aims to inspire the creativity and passion of the younger generation.

20. hòushēngmenshìshèhuìjìndezhǔyàodòng

The younger generation is the main driving force of social progress.


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