1. 他是我亲知,我们是从小一起长大的。
He is my relative, we grew up together from childhood.
2. 我们是亲知,所以我会尽力帮助你。
We are relatives, so I will do my best to help you.
3. 我们家族中的亲知都聚在一起庆祝节日。
The relatives in our family all gather together to celebrate the holidays.
4. 她是我的亲知,我很信任她的判断。
She is my relative, I trust her judgment.
5. 亲知之间应该相互支持,共同度过难关。
Relatives should support each other and get through tough times together.
6. 我们是亲知,所以我相信你会明白我的苦衷。
We are relatives, so I believe you will understand my difficulties.
7. 他们是我亲知,我很珍惜与他们的每一次相聚。
They are my relatives, I cherish every moment we spend together.
8. 亲知之间的纽带是无法割舍的。
The bond between relatives is unbreakable.
9. 我们之间是亲知关系,所以我会为你考虑得更多。
We are relatives, so I will consider more for you.
10. 亲知之间应当相互尊重,不要伤害彼此的感情。
Relatives should respect each other and not hurt each other's feelings.
11. 他们是我亲知,所以我会尽力帮助他们渡过难关。
They are my relatives, so I will do my best to help them through tough times.
12. 亲知之间的关系是永恒的。
The relationship between relatives is eternal.
13. 我们是亲知,所以我会一直支持你的决定。
We are relatives, so I will always support your decisions.
14. 亲知之间的亲情是无法用言语表达的。
The love between relatives is indescribable.
15. 他们是我亲知,我对他们的安全和幸福倍感关心。
They are my relatives, I care deeply about their safety and happiness.
16. 亲知之间的联系是永恒的。
The connection between relatives is eternal.
17. 我们是亲知,所以我会毫无保留地信任你。
We are relatives, so I will trust you without reservation.
18. 亲知之间的关系是无法取代的。
The relationship between relatives is irreplaceable.
19. 我们是亲知,所以我会永远支持你的梦想。
We are relatives, so I will always support your dreams.
20. 亲知之间的情谊是永不磨灭的。
The friendship between relatives is indestructible.
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